Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Week Ending 18.12.15

Can you believe this is the last week and we have completed our very first term at school!  This term we have learned lots of new and wonderful things from adding one more and writing our names, to doing our own coats up and getting our shoes on the right feet!!

In school this week we have made gingerbread reindeer biscuits and then decorated them, and we have also made some magical reindeer food which we can sprinkle on Christmas Eve so that Santa's reindeers can eat it to help them fly.

We have retold the story of The Snowman.  We watched it on DVD but it didn't have any words so we had to think of our own.

This week's sounds have been, u, y, e, k, g as well as practicing all the other ones we've learned.

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we will see you on:



Friday, 11 December 2015

Week Ending 11.12.15

What a busy week it's been for us!

Did you enjoy our Nativity play?  We were brilliant and Miss Banner and Mrs Sturman were very, very proud of us!!

This week we have been learning more sounds, r, h, n, j, m so be sure to keep practicing them with us.  We have also been baking biscuits ready for the Christmas Fair so they can be decorated on a stall.

We have been learning about adding one more to numbers to 20.  Can you test us?  Ask us what is one more than.....?  I bet we are really good!!!

One more week to go!

Friday, 4 December 2015

Week Ending 4.12.15

Well, we have been busy rehearsing our Nativity this week and it is going well....kind of!!  We have also been learning our next lot of phonic sounds, a, d, b, qu and p.  Ask us to show you the actions for it and see if we can point them out to you in our bedtime stories.

We had an absolutely fantastic end to the week by attending The Playhouse and watching 'What the Ladybird Heard'.  It was amazing and we all loved it.  The grown-ups says it is the best one they've seen!

We have also begun tracing our names so if you could practice this at home with us, making sure we start the letters in the correct place (usually at the top) that would be great!

We are looking forward to you coming to watch us next week in our play.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Week ending 27.11.15

This week has been another busy week! We have been working really hard on our nativity play. The children have practised their singing, drama skills, saying their lines and remembering when it is their turn to get up and come to the front of the stage.
Some of the children have lines to learn and we would really appreciate your help with practising these at home. The children are all doing really well and we hope you're looking forward to seeing the performance.

We have started teaching phonics this week. The children have learnt i, l, c, o and t this week. There is an action and a story to go with each sound and there is a sheet in each child's book bag so that they are able to practise their sounds at home.

We have continued to develop our gross and fine motor skills by doing squiggle. We have been doing circle shapes and revising lines from top to bottom and left to right.

In maths we have been comparing groups and saying which have more or fewer in them. We have been looking at a number line with a missing number and working out what that number is by counting forwards.

The children have also been learning through play and have had a great time trying to rescue numbers that had been frozen in blocks of ice. They had to find out how to melt the ice and get the number out. They really persevered with this activity and had fun trying!

Friday, 20 November 2015

Week Ending 20.11.15

In maths this week we have been working on 2D and 3D shapes - the children have learnt the names of the shapes and we have talked about their properties. We went on a shape walk around the school to see which shapes we could find in the outside environment.

In English we have been continuing to work on rhyming and we have played eye spy to encourage the children to think of the sound a word begins with. We have also been doing some oral blending so saying the sounds and asking the children to blend the sounds together to make a word, e.g. c-a-t = cat.

We have cast the nativity play and we have done a few walk throughs. You don't need to worry about costumes as we have these in school. Any children that have lines to learn will get them in their book bags next week to practise at home. Thanks for your help with this!

We have also starting writing names with the children and these will come home next week to practise too.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Week Ending 13.11.15

This week we have been artists! The children have all done a self-portrait painting which are displayed in the classroom - please feel free to come and have a look! They were very good at selecting the correct colour and using the paintbrush properly. We looked very closely at each others faces and then we looked in mirrors to help us know what we had to paint and the colours we needed to use.

We have been continuing to do rhyming activities and alliteration. The children enjoyed making their names alliterative! We have been testing our memories playing memory games too.

In maths we have been focusing on counting accurately.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Week ending 6.11.15

We hope you all had a lovely half term holiday - it's been a busy first week back at school!

Now that we have done all the initial assessments of the children to find out what they know and can do, we have started to do more focused work.

We have been practising counting this week. At the moment we are counting forwards from one. We have been counting objects and have taught the children to line objects up and touch each object as we say the number to be really accurate. We also have counted jumps and claps.

We have been working on rhyming by saying a word and thinking of words that rhyme with that word. we have had some weird and wonderful made up words too!

We have started squiggle this week we have been working on up and down and left to right/right to left lines. this is to encourage the formation of letters when we start teaching the phonics.

As Bonfire night fell on Thursday we created our own firework picture on the ground outside by choosing different coloured powder paint and throwing it on the ground to make firework shapes. The children then came up with describing words to do with fireworks.

we have also started doing big talk where the children have a talk topic to discuss with the person next to them and then they share their sentence with the whole class verbalising the full stop at the end.

Thank you for all your support of donations of cakes, toys and books for our sale - we raised £140 which has paid for a dolls house and the rest of the money will go towards developing our outside area.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Week ending 16.10.15

We have had a busy week this week and this children are doing really well considering it's not long until half term!
We have been reading lots of stories and responding to questions, joining in with repeated sections and guessing what might happen next.
We have been playing under the canopy because the weather hasn't been great this week but some of the children have braved the rain! The children have also been doing lots of learning through play in the classroom too.
We had a harpist in school and the children went to listen to her play and they learnt about harps.
We also went to assembly this week with the rest of the school and the Reception children behaved really well!

It's International week next week and the children found out today which country we are looking at - ask them to see f they remember...

Have a good weekend!

Monday, 12 October 2015

Week ending 9.10.15

This week we have had canopy play introduced.  This is where we can play under the canopy in all weathers!  We select a peg and attach it to our coats then we can go outside under the canopy for our learning.

Most of the week has been spent making our Christmas cards ready for Monday's exhibition.  We hope you like them!

Next week we are going to start going into assembly!!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Week ending 2.10.15

We are amazed at how many people have looked at the blog already - thanks for reading! We hope your find it useful.

The children seem to be all settled in now, which is great to see.

This week we have been completing our baseline assessments of the children by working with one child at a time and checking their maths ability. While Lisa and Liz have been doing this Jane, Sandra, Olivia, Sue, Jay, Margaret and Jaqci have been observing the children playing both outside and in the classroom. This has allowed us to see what the children are able to do in other areas of the curriculum. The children have loved being out in the sunshine playing. They have been getting messy in the gloop and with the chalks, showing us how well they can balance, jump, catch and throw. They have had great fun role playing with different props such as a till, shopping trolley, dolls and the dressing up clothes. They have been getting to know each other better by sharing the resources and talking. They have been climbing trees and digging in the garden. They have been hunting for treasure in the pirate ship. We've been quite busy!
The children have been having chill out time in the afternoon for about 10 minutes as some of the children seem to still be a little tired after all the activities!
We're going to try and be brave next week and go to assembly!

Friday, 25 September 2015

Week Ending 25.09.15

Well we've all made it through the first 2 weeks of school; that's the children, us the staff and you the parents.  There were tears from the children and tears from the parents, and we hope the transition to school was as painless as possible.  If you can think of anything that we omitted to tell you or of anything that you feel may make this process easier for next year, please mention it to Miss Banner or Mrs Sturman so we can make any changes for next year's parents.

On to the most important stuff and that is how have the children settled????

Overall, very well!!  They've coped with a mountain of information, new rules, routines, environments, new children, different adults and of course the dreaded lunches!  They have eaten really well too which is a good sign!

We have spent the last 2 weeks, introducing them to the routines of school life and more importantly, to each other!  We think they had enjoyed dough disco (rolling playdough to music to strengthen fingers for better pencil control) the most until we did squiggle today! (Squiggle is using the movements for writing but incorporating them into overly large movements to begin with and using flipper-flappers (2 squares of material that they hold)).  To say they loved it would be an understatement!  We have also completed the covers of our topic books with 3 handprints.

We think they've had a great start to school and hope you do too.

Quick reminder:  Please remember to name their snack if they bring one as other children may pick it up and we are then unsure who's snack is who's.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Week ending 17.7.15

Well, what an absolutely fantastic week we have had this week for SPORTS WEEK.

We have learned how to be cheerleaders and then performed our routine in front of you all before Sports Day.  We have learned Kwik Cricket although we're not quite at 'The Ashes' standard just yet!  We have learned how to play Table Tennis, although we didn't worry about the rules, just how to control the bat and actually hit the ball.  Let's just say there were a lot of ping pong balls on the loose!!!!!

On Tuesday, we had the extremely high climb to the almost vertical slide, and many of us confronted our fears, battled through them and had a real sense of achievement of completing it all.  Some of us had a really good try and some of us have said we will try next time if it comes to Garrick Green again.  We also had a turn on a climbing wall and played team games and then did multi-skills too.  No wonder we've been tired out each day!

The rest of the week we have practiced the skills needed for Sports Day and we have loved it all.  We really enjoyed our first Sports Day especially the straight running races.  We really liked it when our mum's and dad's raced too!!

Unfortunately, this is our last blog post of our Reception year and Miss Banner and Mrs Sturman would like to say a huge thank you for the support you have given your child at home.  We would also like to say how proud we are of everything the children have achieved this year and hope that you agree that they have an excellent foundation upon which to continue their education.

We would like to wish you all a happy summer holiday and we're off to raise a LARGE glass of something cold to toast what a fantastic year we've had!!

Friday, 19 June 2015

Week ending 19.6.15

This week the main focus has been looking at artwork in detail.

The painting we have been looking at is The Bathers at Asnières by George's Seurat.

We read the story Katie and the Bathers as an introduction and then we looked in detail at the painting and had lots of discussions about what was happening, who the people were. We explored the painting through our senses thinking about if we were in the painting what would we see, hear, feel, smell and taste.

The children's writing task for the week was the look at the little boy with cupped hand shouting in the painting. They had to think about what the little boy might be saying and write it in a speech bubble.

We looked at the pointillism technique and the children really enjoyed painting their own pictures in the style of pointillism.

We did mental maths work on doubling and halving and had a couple of games of double and halves bingo!

At the end of the week was the trip to The National Gallery in London. The children were fantastically behaved all day and really enjoyed the outing. We had a session with one of the gallery staff who took us on a magic carpet ride into a painting. Then we did our own tour of the gallery stopping and looking at lots of different paintings. The children couldn't wait to see the real Bathers painting. They were quite surprised how big it was! We looked at Monet's Waterlily paintings, Surprised by Henri Rousseau, Whistle jacket by George Stubbs, The Haywain by John Constable, The Fighting Temeraire by Joseph Turner and quite a few others! The children had excellent discussions about what they thought they could see. They were brilliant at using their imaginations and pretending to step into the paintings. A good day out was had by all!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Week beginning 8.6.15

We have had a lovely week and it's not just because of the sunshine!

This week we have been finishing off our topic of The Hungary Caterpillar.  We are still observing our caterpillars and patiently waiting for signs that they are becoming a chrysallis.  They have doubled in size and we can see how much fatter they are getting by the end of each day.

In writing we have been looking at what we could do as a baby and what we can do now.  Also we have been describing the caterpillars and trying to write a diary entry.

In maths we have made a graph on the computer about our favourite fruits.

Next week we are pretending to be artists!

Friday, 5 June 2015

Week ending 5.6.15

We have had a very exciting week this week. It is our trembly International week and we have been learning bout Thailand.

The children started off the week going on a submarine adventure to learn all about the oceans. They looked at the names of the oceans and where they were in the world. They throughly enjoyed learning about the different creatures that lived in the different oceans. They also did a bit of maths work learning about the size of a blue whale. They went outside and measured how big the whale is and they tried to fit the whole class inside. There was lots of extra room as they are so big!

They children learnt about the different fruits they have in Thailand and they enjoyed sampling most of them! The children were brilliant at trying things that they might not have ever tried or seen before! You might get some interesting requests the next time you go food shopping! They also learned how to make sticky coconut and mango rice which is a pudding that they eat in Thailand.

We looked at Buddhism by learning about A special celebration of the birth of the baby Buddha. We made special fruit jellies because that's what they do in Thailand. The children also made special reflective decorations to go in our thinking house. Which is an area of peace and tranquility!

The children have also designed their own Thai Long Tail boat using 2D shapes. They labelled the different shapes with the name and the properties of the shape.

We've packed a lot in but the children have had a brilliant week learning about another country.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Week ending 25.5.15

Well it's hard to believe that we have completed our penultimate term in Reception!

This week we have been pretending to be Scientists and have been learning all about the Lifecycle of a Butterfly.  We are quite excited because each class will be getting 5 of their own caterpillars so we can observe first hand them growing into a butterfly.

In our writing we have been writing a letter to either Pizza Express or to Gwen the librarian from The Forum to thank them for having us on our school trip.

In maths we have looked at positional language and direction and we have programmed the Bee Bots to munch through different food types.

When we come back after half term we have International Week and we will be looking at.....Thailand!

Have a good break.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Week ending 15.5.15

We have had another unusual week this week. This week it was Mrs Sturman's class trip to Pizza Express and the library which they have been looking forward to since Miss Banner's class came back and told them all about it.  Mrs Sturman's topic this week has been 'Pete's a Pizza' and Miss Banner's topic has been 'Knights'.

In Miss Banner's class we have been making Knight's shields and helmets, and we wrote a wanted poster to catch the thieves who stood the chocolate cake from the royal party. We have also been making lists of food we would have at our party and writing party invitations for the royal party in our story.

In maths we have been measuring our feet with different units of measure.  We have used cubes, blocks, cars, snakes and pine cones to name but a few. the children learned how to use a ruler to measure accurately.

In Mrs Sturman's class we have been making pizzas out of playdough and of course, we had a fabulous trip to Pizza Express and The Forum where we made our own pizzas and took out a library book.

We have written a list of ingredients to make our pizzas, we wrote the steps to make a pizza and in maths, we have been extremely clever and have learned halving!  We also recapped doubling too!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Week beginning 4.5.15

Well this week has been a short week as we had a sunny Bank Holiday!

We have continued with our topic of Let's Pretend and carried on with The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

In maths we have looked at addition, subtraction and division, all within the context of a word problem. eg, I had 6 cookies, but then I ate 2 of them.  How many cookies do I have now?

In English, we have been writing lists about what food the tiger likes to eat and with adult support we have written what the tiger would eat if he came to our house.

In PSED we had a story, The Baked Bean Queen, and we talked about being healthy and eating healthy food.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Week ending 1.5.15

We have had another very busy week this week.

On Monday we spent the whole day baking things to sell at our bake sale. We made chocolate muffins, blueberry muffins, jam thumbprint biscuits and cheese pastry shapes. The children really enjoyed helping to raise money for new things for the classroom. We were all overwhelmed by the amount of baking you all did at home too! We'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated baking and bought things from the bake sale. We managed to raise £170 which FOGG will match. We will ask the children over the next couple of weeks what they'd like to spend the money on.

The story this week was 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' and we have been investigating what would to the food if the Tiger hadn't eaten it and just left it all out. We made predictions and talked about food decay. The children will observe closely over the next few weeks to see what happens. 

In maths we have been working on dividing equally. The children have been sharing cubes by 2,3 and 4 and have been getting on really well with this.

We have also been working on the wellie boot stomp and making the most of the good weather by learning through play outside. 

Thanks to all who came to our big book share too. 

We hope you have a lovely long weekend! 

Friday, 24 April 2015

Week ending 24.4.15

What an exciting but unusual week we have had.  This week, Miss Banner's and Mrs Sturman's classes have followed different topics to accommodate the Pizza Express visit.  Miss Banner's topic this week has been 'Pete's a Pizza' and Mrs Sturman's topic has been 'Knights'.  When Mrs Sturman's class goes to Pizza Express for their visit then the classes will do the other topic.

In Mrs Sturman's class we have been making Knight's shields and helmets, and we wrote a party invitation to our friend.  We have also been making lists of food we would have at our party and making Wanted posters for the Brigands from our story!

In maths we have been measuring our feet with different units of measure.  We have used cubes, blocks, cars, snakes and pine cones to name but a few.  We even measured out 5 metres because somebody got their 5 metre swimming award!

In Miss Banner's class we have been making pizzas out of playdough and of course, we had a fabulous trip to Pizza Express and The Forum where we made our own pizzas and took out a library book.

We have written a list of ingredients to make our pizzas and in maths, we have been extremely clever and have learned halving!  We also recapped doubling too!

We were also very lucky to work with an Art teacher from Sprowston High School and have started making scales for the school's Go-Go dragon.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Week Beginning 13.04.15

This week has been Art week - the whole school has been painting different parts of the displays that will go up in the corridor. These are going to be dragon themed. The children listened to the 3 different stories that will be the focus of the displays - 'How to Catch a Dragon', 'Elephant Joe' and 'Winnie's Midnight Dragon'. 
Every child has contributed something that will make up the display. The displays will be going up over the next couple of weeks so please come and have a look.
We have also started decorating our gogo dragon which will be somewhere on the drago trail over the summer. 
The children have also been making the most of the lovely weather we have had this week with lots of outside play. We had a caterpillar treasure hunt to help the children's observational skills. We then did some maths based on this, thinking about counting and adding. 
The children have all done some dragon writing too. 
We also had the specialist dance teacher back and she is teaching the children a new dance involving wellies which will raise money for charity. 

Friday, 27 March 2015

Week beginning 23.3.15

Well what a wonderful week we've had.  We have been learning how to solve addition and subtraction maths word problems, applying what we already know.  Miss Banner and Mrs Sturman were very impressed!!

In English we made a 'Wanted' poster for Burglar Bill who was a character in our story this week.

We hope you enjoyed coming to our Open Afternoon and seeing all the work we have done so far in Reception.  We think our favourite part of the week has to be the Story Cafe and hunting around the school for different phonic sounds.  Thank you to everyone who was able to come.

And finally....

HAPPY EASTER and we will see you on the 13th April.

Friday, 20 March 2015

week beginning 16.3.15

This week it has been science week so the children have been experimenting, observing and investigating! They have thoroughly enjoyed it and all of them should be able to tell you the activity that they enjoyed the most and why. We also went out to watch the solar eclipse - it was such a shame that it was so cloudy!

The children went on a colour hunt outside and then they sorted the objects that they found. Their observation skills were really good. They have watched raisins dance when they were put in cups of lemonade. The children loved seeing the raisins bobbing up the top of the cup and then bobbing up and down. They used their feet to investigate senses. They had to put their feet in buckets of different objects like dried pasta, crushed paper, cornflakes. Some of the children loved putting their feet in jelly whilst other hated it! They described how it felt putting their feet in each bucket. We put a chocolate button over a cup of warm water and watched the changes taking places as it melted. the children enjoyed eating the melting chocolate! They also listened to different sound clips and tried to think of what the sound was. we then went on a sound walk in and around school listening very carefully to what we could hear.

They've been very busy!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Week beginning 9.3.15

This week we have been learning the art of painting and using a paintbrush correctly.  We have read the book 'Sharing a Shell' and we chose a picture and we have recreated it for our display in the classroom.

I think our favourite part of the week was on Friday when it was Comic Relief.  We looked fabulous with all our funny faces and we really enjoyed going to different classes and with different teachers to do some fabulous activities.

Next week we are pretending to be scientists because it is Science Week at school and we will be doing a science activity every morning.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

week beginning 2.3.15

This week we have been pretending to be superheroes!
We read the book 'Nat Fantastic' which is about a little boy called Nat and whenever he sneezes he turns into a superhero who saves people! The children have really enjoyed this week as Nat Fantastic has made several appearances around school sneezing away!
Nat delivered a letter asking the children to help him write the next part of his book. They had to think about what adventure Nat would go on next. We have done lots of talking about this and there were some brilliant ideas. The children then have been writing their sentences down. The children should be able to tell you all the things that makes a good writer - e.g. sounding out the words, finger spaces, full stops, capital letters, writing the letters correctly.
In maths the children have been practising their number recognition skills. They have been ordering numbers 1 - 20 and using this number line to work out one more and one less than any given number.
For world book day the children have made their own talking book so on the next open afternoon please come and have a look.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Week beginning 23.2.15

Welcome back everyone, we hope you all had a good half-term.

This week, we have been looking at Chinese New Year and celebrations.  We made pancakes and compared them to Chinese spring rolls and thought about describing how they tasted using our WOW words, delicious and scrumptious.

In our writing this week, we wrote wishes just like the Chinese do to celebrate their New Year, and instead of letting our wishes go up in large lanterns, we substituted them for helium balloons. We let them go on Friday afternoon and we were very excited about it.  We have also been trying to write Chinese symbols too.

In maths we have learned about doubling.  We used pancakes because doubling those can only ever be a good thing!

Next week we are pretending to be Superheroes, and of course, we have World Book Day too.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Week beginning 9.2.15

This week has been International week in school. The country we have been learning about is Kenya. The children have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the globe, Google Earth and maps to try to understand about where in the world Kenya is. After looking at different planets last week we had to explain that Kenya is in fact on Earth as some children did not believe us!
The children have been on a safari and spotted different African animals. They learnt facts about these and also whether they were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. They have also learnt about the continents and oceans. We have looked at African artifacts and artwork and created out own artwork. The children also learnt about Shamba which is an African farm. They made their own Shamba with the small world resources. The children also learnt about the mud huts that some Kenyan people live in. They are keen to have a go at building these outside in the forest area! We watched the Masai tribal dances and had a go at dancing in the same way.We were also very lucky to have an African drumming workshop where all the children had a go at playing African drums which they absolutely loved.
To end the week we are off to the Playhouse to see 'Room on the Broom' which we're sure that the children will love!
Have a good half term!

Friday, 6 February 2015

Week beginning 2.2.15

This week has been really exciting and we have ventured off into space!

We began the week with a drama making our own journey into space just like in the book 'Whatever Next'.  Then we have spent time on the ipads and the large Interactive Whiteboard designing our own planets.

In maths we have looked at ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) as well as ordering rockets from tallest to smallest.  We have also practiced adding two groups of objects together and we used alien eyes to do this!

Next week is International Week and we will be looking at the country of Kenya.

Week beginning 26.1.15

This week we have been pretending to be Princes and Princesses and we have had some fabulous role playing.
For our writing this week, we had the story 'You Can't Eat a Princess' and we saw how Princess Spaghetti had a fabulous feast and went to space to rescue King Cupcake who had been kidnapped by aliens.  We wrote a list of the foods we would like to eat at our own party.
In maths, we have been learning about weight.  We had a selection of large chocolate bars (not real, otherwise they may not have lasted the whole morning) and we found out that the smallest chocolate bar is not necessarily the lightest chocolate bar.
In dance we learned to 'Freestyle' and we rocked our moves to some funky tunes incorporating a spin, a jump and a clap.
Next week we are off to space and pretending to be astronauts...

Friday, 23 January 2015

Week Beginning 19.1.15

This week we have been pretending to be Pirates and the children have thoroughly got in to the role and have had a fantastic week of learning.
We started the week by going on a treasure hunt, we got chased by sharks, crocodiles and encountered spiders and rough seas but we managed to find the treasure in the end! The children then drew a treasure map to show where they had been. They have also labelled their maps to make it clear to other pirates what they can find if they go on a treasure hunt.
In maths we have been working on our subtraction skills. We have been using objects and physically taking them away and also reinforcing this by looking at a number line and counting back.
The children have learnt to recognise tricky words that can't be sounded out in their phonic sessions. The words we have been practising are I, go, to, the and no.
We are really pleased that you have all been doing the sound/blend games and reading with the children. Can we please ask that these games and books be kept in their reading folders so that we can use them at school too.
Next week we will be pretending to be Princes and Princesses...

Friday, 16 January 2015

Week ending 16.1.15

This week we have finished teaching all the individual sounds that the children need to know and we have assessed them to see how many they have remembered!  We have given out sound games, blend games and reading books depending on their existing knowledge.  Please remember to either do the sound/blend games or read with your child AT LEAST 3 times a week.  Don't forget to sign their yellow reading record so they can score towards their Reading Awards.  We also completed our first piece of writing this week.  We heard the story of the 3 Little Pigs and we wrote about our favourite part of the story.

In maths we have finished assessing all the children and we are very pleased with the progress they have made.  We have grown in confidence in knowing '1 more' than any number to 20 and we are now working on being as competent with '1 less'!

We had our very first PE lesson of dance with a specialist teacher and we made a dinosaur dance up. ROOOAAARRRRRR!!!  Please can we remind you to ensure PE kits are in school on a Tuesday (plimsolls are still not needed yet).  Also could girls please have their hair up and either have earrings removed before coming to school or we can tape them up.

Next week, we are beginning our topic of LET'S PRETEND and we are covering pirates.  Please look for the Big Talk homework in your child's book bag and chat about this with them.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Week ending 9.1.15

Happy New Year everyone and we hope you all had a good holiday.

This week in English we have been working on our speaking and listening skills.  All the children discussed their Christmas holidays and shared the thing they enjoyed most.  We have continued learning the sounds and only have 2 left to cover!  We have also been practicing our name writing and we are getting better every day.

In maths we have been assessing what the children have remembered from last term so we have an accurate starting point to teach this term.  We have also been practicing our number formations too.

We have been challenging our ICT skills by creating self portraits using the software 2Paint.  We have selected different tools to use and chose colours for our features and changed the sizes of the tool we use.