Friday, 27 March 2015

Week beginning 23.3.15

Well what a wonderful week we've had.  We have been learning how to solve addition and subtraction maths word problems, applying what we already know.  Miss Banner and Mrs Sturman were very impressed!!

In English we made a 'Wanted' poster for Burglar Bill who was a character in our story this week.

We hope you enjoyed coming to our Open Afternoon and seeing all the work we have done so far in Reception.  We think our favourite part of the week has to be the Story Cafe and hunting around the school for different phonic sounds.  Thank you to everyone who was able to come.

And finally....

HAPPY EASTER and we will see you on the 13th April.

Friday, 20 March 2015

week beginning 16.3.15

This week it has been science week so the children have been experimenting, observing and investigating! They have thoroughly enjoyed it and all of them should be able to tell you the activity that they enjoyed the most and why. We also went out to watch the solar eclipse - it was such a shame that it was so cloudy!

The children went on a colour hunt outside and then they sorted the objects that they found. Their observation skills were really good. They have watched raisins dance when they were put in cups of lemonade. The children loved seeing the raisins bobbing up the top of the cup and then bobbing up and down. They used their feet to investigate senses. They had to put their feet in buckets of different objects like dried pasta, crushed paper, cornflakes. Some of the children loved putting their feet in jelly whilst other hated it! They described how it felt putting their feet in each bucket. We put a chocolate button over a cup of warm water and watched the changes taking places as it melted. the children enjoyed eating the melting chocolate! They also listened to different sound clips and tried to think of what the sound was. we then went on a sound walk in and around school listening very carefully to what we could hear.

They've been very busy!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Week beginning 9.3.15

This week we have been learning the art of painting and using a paintbrush correctly.  We have read the book 'Sharing a Shell' and we chose a picture and we have recreated it for our display in the classroom.

I think our favourite part of the week was on Friday when it was Comic Relief.  We looked fabulous with all our funny faces and we really enjoyed going to different classes and with different teachers to do some fabulous activities.

Next week we are pretending to be scientists because it is Science Week at school and we will be doing a science activity every morning.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

week beginning 2.3.15

This week we have been pretending to be superheroes!
We read the book 'Nat Fantastic' which is about a little boy called Nat and whenever he sneezes he turns into a superhero who saves people! The children have really enjoyed this week as Nat Fantastic has made several appearances around school sneezing away!
Nat delivered a letter asking the children to help him write the next part of his book. They had to think about what adventure Nat would go on next. We have done lots of talking about this and there were some brilliant ideas. The children then have been writing their sentences down. The children should be able to tell you all the things that makes a good writer - e.g. sounding out the words, finger spaces, full stops, capital letters, writing the letters correctly.
In maths the children have been practising their number recognition skills. They have been ordering numbers 1 - 20 and using this number line to work out one more and one less than any given number.
For world book day the children have made their own talking book so on the next open afternoon please come and have a look.