Well we've all made it through the first 2 weeks of school; that's the children, us the staff and you the parents. There were tears from the children and tears from the parents, and we hope the transition to school was as painless as possible. If you can think of anything that we omitted to tell you or of anything that you feel may make this process easier for next year, please mention it to Miss Banner or Mrs Sturman so we can make any changes for next year's parents.
On to the most important stuff and that is how have the children settled????
Overall, very well!! They've coped with a mountain of information, new rules, routines, environments, new children, different adults and of course the dreaded lunches! They have eaten really well too which is a good sign!
We have spent the last 2 weeks, introducing them to the routines of school life and more importantly, to each other! We think they had enjoyed dough disco (rolling playdough to music to strengthen fingers for better pencil control) the most until we did squiggle today! (Squiggle is using the movements for writing but incorporating them into overly large movements to begin with and using flipper-flappers (2 squares of material that they hold)). To say they loved it would be an understatement! We have also completed the covers of our topic books with 3 handprints.
We think they've had a great start to school and hope you do too.
Quick reminder: Please remember to name their snack if they bring one as other children may pick it up and we are then unsure who's snack is who's.