Friday, 26 February 2016

Week ending 26.2.16

This week we have been pretending to be Superheroes!

The book we read was Nat Fantastic and he paid us a visit. Nat Fantastic ran through the classroom and delivered a letter asking the children to help him know what superhero adventure to go on next. the children had some fantastic ideas about superhero adventures and who Nat might need to save or help next. They wrote their ideas down to give to Nat Fantastic.

In maths the children have been learning the names of 2D shapes and making superheroes out of shapes. We have talked about the properties of the shape by looking at how many sides, how many corners and if the sides are straight or curved.

We have been assessing phonics and we are impressed how much the children have remembered.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Week ending 12.2.16

This week we have had our international week and have learned about Italy.

The children looked at the United Kingdom and the countries that make up the United Kingdom. We looked at a map and used Google earth. We found where Norwich was on the map.

The children then looked at where Italy was in the World. They could see that the country is shaped like a boot.

We have learned how to make ciabatta the Italian bread. The children noticed what happened to the dough after we left it in a warm place. We made gelato, Italian ice cream. This was a science experiment as we made the ice cream mixture in one plastic bag that we sealed and put ice cubes and rock salt in a bigger plastic bag. We then put the bag of money stare into the bag of ice and massaged the mixture to help it come into contact with the ice and the children loved watching how the cream mixture turned into ice cream. The children all tried the ice cream!

We have looked at the important landmarks in Rome and the children created a physical map of Rome, building the coliseum, the Roman forum, St Peter's basilica the Trevino fountain and they added the river Tiber onto the map too.

The children looked at how Michelangelo painted the Sistine chapel and then they created their own paintings in his style by painting on the bottom of tables.

The children have had a very enjoyable week and today when we discussed what they have learned we were amazed!

We hope you have a lovely half term!

Friday, 5 February 2016

Week ending 05.02.16

What a windy week it's been!!

This week we have been pretending to be Astronauts and we have ventured into space.

We read the story Whatever Next? and we even had our own space drama where we went to the moon ourselves.

We have written lists of what we would take to the moon if we went.

We also celebrated Chinese New Year a week early and had a workshop where we learnt some Chinese and tried out using chopsticks.

We set the children a challenge to find out how long The Great Wall of China is.  Guesses ranged from 2 (2 what?), 18 (18 what?) to 60 hundred thousand million as we got from one little lad.  We love hearing their concepts of how they view things.  Fascinating!

Next week it's International Week.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Week ending 29.1.16

Well we've had a fabulous week pretending to be Princes and Princesses.

In maths, we learned about weight.  We had a fabulous story about Princess Spaghetti who was rather partial to chocolate bars, so we weighed some pretend chocolate bars of different sizes.  We weighed them with our hands and with the scales too.

We are starting to make really good progress with our writing and we are using our sounds well.  We wrote a list of party food that Princess Spaghetti would like for her party.  We are so good, we're sure we could write our household's shopping list!

On the craft table, we made flags, dragons, crowns, tiaras and shields.

Next week we are pretending to be Astronauts!!!