Monday, 23 May 2016

Week Ending 27.5.16

This week we are pretending to be Witches and Wizards.

We read the story Winnie's Flying Carpet by Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul. The children discussed where they would go if they had a magic carpet. The children wrote a sentence about the adventures they would have.

In maths we are making potions and looking at capacity. The children will be using language to do with capacity (full, empty, half full/empty) and solving problems. We will look at different sized containers and have a go at estimating which will hold the most and which will hold the least.

The children have had their class photos.We will send out the proof as soon as we have it so that you can order one if you would like.

The children have also had sound and vision checks this week and you will receive information as necessary.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Week Ending 20.5.16

This week we are pretending to be dinosaurs.

The book focus of the week in Tyrannosaurus Drip.

We discovered a dinosaur egg in the outside area and the children discussed what type of dinosaur they think will hatch out of the egg. We then wrote a sentence about the dinosaur.

In maths this week we are focusing on money. We will look at the different coins and their features so that the children can recognise them and we will be solving simple money problems by adding different coins together to make the same amount.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Week Ending 13.5.16

This week we are pretending to be chefs.

We read the book Pete's a Pizza and we watched a video. The children really enjoyed this story as it is about a little boy who pretended to be a pizza.

The children discussed what their favourite toppings for a pizza were and wrote a sentence about this.

LB class will be visiting pizza express and the library this week. The children are very excited about making their own pizza. They will help shape the dough and then select the toppings they would like on their pizza. We will then go to the library where the librarian will share some food related stories. LS class will go on their trip in June - more details to follow.

In maths we will be learning about halving.

On Friday we will be celebrating the Queen's birthday. The children will be doing 2 of the following activities through the day: baking birthday cakes, decorating a commemorative plate or designing and making a clay tile. We are encouraging all children to wear red, white and blue clothes.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Week Ending 6.5.16

This week we are pretending to be caterpillars...

We watched a DVD version of 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and we told the children that we are going to be looking after some real caterpillars in class. This generated much excitement. We discussed some of the changes that the children might see over the coming weeks.

We had a good discussion about what the children could do when they were a baby and what they could do now. They really enjoyed talking about how much more they can do now! We then wrote a sentence about this.

In maths we are learning how to do tally charts and how to best show this information in a graph. The children  created a graph to show the children's favourite fruits in our class.