Monday, 12 December 2016

Week beginning 12.12.16

The final week of the first term at school is here - we think it's flown by! The children are doing really well but we think lots of them will be glad it's the Christmas holidays!

We are really pleased with how the children have settled into school life and it has been  great to see how much they have developed over their first term.

This week we are assessing the children's phonics to see which sounds they have remembered. This will inform us about which phonic group they will need to be in January. It will also help us to sort out sound games and blend games to send home to play. If you're coming to the story cafe on Friday you will hear a bit more about this then.

We will be watching The Snowman ⛄ on DVD and retelling this verbally as a class to practise story telling.

There will also be lots of play this week - the children are enjoying following their own interests. They are brilliant at choosing where they want to play and which resources to use in their play.

We wish everyone a very merry Christmas 🎅 and a happy New Year and hope you all have a lovely holiday!🎄

Monday, 5 December 2016

Week beginning 05.12.16

The week of the nativity performances is here! We hope you'll be wowed by the children, they have worked really hard.

We will be filming the performance on Tuesday for the DVD which you should have had a letter about in book bags. The press have asked us to send them a photo to go in the paper and we'll try to inform you of when this will be in.

By the end of this week we will have taught all the single sounds in phonics. Please continue to practise these at home using the stories and actions that we've put in book bags.

We will be having time in the library to swap sharing books on Friday - we hope you're enjoying the new books.

Please look out for the story cafe letter about the event next Friday in book bags too.

Have a good week!