Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Week Beginning 11.12.17

Sorry there wasn't a blog last week - with the nativity performances things just got a bit busy! We had a great week and the children did brilliantly - thank you to all for coming to watch. The feedback from the audiences was fantastic and the children have learnt a lot of skills taking part in the productions but I think we wore them out!

This week we have a lot of festive activities in the classrooms for the children to do if they choose as well as all the normal activities. We are doing some Christmas baking too and they will either bring home a decorated gingerbread biscuit of a reindeer shortbread biscuit.

We are assessing the children this week to see the progress the children have made since September and also to see at what stage they are at with phonics.

We have finished teaching the first phase of phonics so we can now group them and after Christmas they will be in different groups to move on to the next stage of phonics that they need.
We are sending home some handwriting practice sheets for over the holidays and we will also be putting a sound/blend game or reading book in book to continue practising at home.

Don't forget it is our story cafe on the last day of term from 9.10am in the hall - please come as we will be doing a brief talk about phonics and how we teach your children to read.

Have a good week!

Friday, 24 November 2017

Week beginning 27.11.17

This week we are finalising the nativity play and practising our singing and acting skills. The children are doing really well and we hope that you will be impressed when you come to see it.

We are beginning to read Christmas themed books to get the children in the festive mood!

In maths we are continuing to revise number by counting, recognising, ordering and finding a missing number on a numberline.

We are continuing to learn the sounds and practising writing the sounds too. Please carry on with name writing at home as the children seem to be getting on well with the added help.

The children are still playing both inside and outside, they have been enjoying painting recently and learning how to mix colours.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Week beginning 20.11.17

This week we have shared the story of the nativity so the children are familiar for when they are doing their nativity play.

We have started proper rehearsals in the hall for the nativity play. The children are singing beautifully and the children with speaking roles are doing really well. We will send the words home to practise so they can build up their confidence and volume.

We are continuing with phonics and you will get the sounds we have covered on Friday.

We are also continuing to consolidate counting skills, number recognition and ordering of numbers.

The children had a panto workshop yesterday which they absolutely loved.

Monday, 13 November 2017

Week beginning 13.11.17

This week we are continuing with traditional tales and the story is Rumpelstiltskin.

Elements of the traditional tales are beginning to creep into the children's play when they are role playing and also into the stories they are writing which is good to see.

In maths we are working on recognising numbers, ordering numbers to 10 and 20 and working out a missing number in a numberline.

We are continuing with phonics and you will get a sheet with the sounds we have covered this week in your child's book bag at the end of the week. There will also be a name handwriting sheet as well as the talking homework.

We are continuing to learn songs for our nativity.

Don't forget it's and optional non-uniform day on Friday in aid of Children in Need.
Have a good week!

Monday, 6 November 2017

Week Beginning 6.11.17

This week the story is The Elves and the Shoemaker as we are starting to learn about traditional tales. We introduce the children to the language that is used in these stories, the way they are structured, where there are set and the characters in them. We hope that by hearing stories like this the children will start using some of these features when they are writing their own stories. 

We are starting phonics this week where we introduce the children to the sounds. There is a letter about this in your child's book bag.

In maths we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will go on a shape walk to see which shapes we can spot while we are out and about. We will learn the names of the shapes and their properties.

We are also starting to learn songs for our nativity show. the dates of the nativity are on the website calendar and more details will follow.

The school photographer is here on Wednesday to take individual photos of the children. You will receive a proof of these photos to order from they are ready.

Don't forget parent teacher interviews are taking place at the moment - you should receive a reminder text about these - if you are unable to make your appointment please talk to your child's teacher to rearrange.

Have a good week!

Monday, 30 October 2017

Week beginning 30.10.17

Welcome back!

This week the story we are reading in The Jolly Witch. We thought this story was appropriate this week with Halloween coming up.

We are starting cookery this week and the children will have the opportunity to make cheese muffins and they will bring their individual muffin home.

We are also starting woodwork where the children can design and make something of their choice. We train and supervise the children in this area until they get to know how to use the woodwork bench, tools and wood safely.

Another new thing this week is Squiggle which is where the children will develop their gross motor skills using squares of material to make large movements to music.

In maths we are continuing to practise counting skills to help the children really secure this element of maths. We teach the children to line up objects and make sure they say one number name for each item they touch.

In Phonics we are going to be doing some listening activities so that the children develop their ability to listen carefully which will help when we start teaching individual sounds.

Have a good week!

Monday, 9 October 2017

Week beginning 9.10.17

This week the children are doing more painting but this time they are doing self portraits. The children will also do self portraits using the paint program on the computer and take selfies on iPads so that they experiment with different media.

We will be doing some number work in the form of counting and number recognition of number 1- 10. We will also be listening to stories and checking the children's understanding of what they have heard.

The children will have free flow play everyday both indoors and out.

The children will be going to assembly for the first time this week where they will join with the rest of the school for a celebration assembly which is where different things that have happened during the week are celebrated.

Please come into the classroom on Wednesday after school to see your child's Christmas card design and put in an order for them to be made into cards.

Don't forget we are having a cake sale on Wednesday after school too. Please bring in any donations on Wednesday morning. Thank you in advance!

Have a good week!

Monday, 2 October 2017

Week beginning 02.10.17

This week:
I hate to mention the Christmas word already as it's such a long time away but we have to get prepared in school! The children are painting their designs this week and you will have the opportunity to order their designs to be printed as real Christmas cards so you can send them to friends and family. More details will be on the newsletter which will be sent out this week.

We are continuing with assessments and hopefully by the end of the week we will have finished so that we can see what we need to teach the children over the year. The children are enjoying doing little assessment tasks.

When the children are not painting or doing assessment tasks they will have free play both indoors and out to follow their own interests.

Don't forget there are Reception Curriculum meetings coming up - you will get a reminder text about these.

Have a good week!

Monday, 25 September 2017

Week Beginning 25.9.17

Well we've made it to week 3 and all the children are coming into school beautifully, we even saw a few smiles this morning! It's great to see that the children are getting used to daily routines and school life but obviously tiredness levels are increasing!

At the moment we are assessing the children to see what they can do and what they know. This will continue for the next couple of weeks so that we know what we need to teach the children over the year. We do these assessments both inside and outside as the children are playing.

Now the children are familiar with school we are focusing on them selecting what they want to play with, playing with it and putting it away before they move onto another activity. We are encouraging this inside and outside. The children have also been encouraged to play in both Reception classes and in the outside area so they get used to the space where they can play everyday.

We are sharing a lot of stories at the moment so that the children get used to sitting and listening for short periods of time in big groups. We also discuss the story, predict what might happen next and talk about other books by the same author or with the same theme.

Just a reminder - Please can you go through book bags as there are a couple of letters that need information filling in and returning, Thank you!

Friday, 14 July 2017

Week beginning 10.07.17

This week is the start of Sports Week so the story we read to the children was Mr Men's Sports Day. The children then did an independent piece of writing about their favourite part of the story.

We had a dance teacher in to teach the children the opening dance for sports day. We have been practising the dance all week and hopefully you'll be impressed when you see it!

The children have done lots of different PE this week including PE games, Karate, table tennis and Stomp dancing. We have also practised sports day races and the children have tasted a different fruit every day.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Week Beginning 03.07.17

This week we are continuing with fairy tales in preparation for our trip to Gressenhall on Wednesday. The story is Cinderella because one of the main activities at Gressenhall features a quest to help Cinderella. The children will hopefully be very familiar with the story by the time of the trip. They will be writing a sentence about their favourite part of the story independently so they can use the skills they have learnt over the year.

In maths we will be revising number including looking at missing numbers on a numberline, one more and one less than a given number and ordering numbers.

We are very excited about our trip to Gressenhall on Wednesday - if you have any questions or concerns please speak to one of the Reception team. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your child, provide lunch if you haven't ordered a school packed lunch, pack an extra bottle of water and give your child a bag that they can carry their drinks and lunch in. Please can your child wear school uniform and comfortable shoes. We will collect the children from the playground at 8.45 so we can leave promptly and we will return in time for normal pickup time.

We will also be doing phonic checks to see what the children have remembered over the year.

Please don't forget that the school summer fair is on Friday - come along to enjoy all the fun of the fair, see your child's work/learning journey and see your child's new class and meet their new teacher.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Week beginning 26.6.17

This week we are going to revisit traditional tales in preparation for our trip to Gressenhall. This week we are reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We want the children to become really familiar with these stories so they get as much out of the trip as possible. They will take part in four different activities involving different fairy stories. The activities are led by a character from the books.

The children will be doing independent writing over the next few weeks so that we can really see what they are capable of and to see which skills the children remember without being reminded.

In maths we will revise counting forwards and backwards, looking at coins and adding up amounts. We will also look at heights and comparing who is tallest, shortest etc.

We will be continuing to have free flow library time where the children can choose to go to the library and look at books.

On Friday the children will get to watch the Y1s and 2s summer concert which we are sure theyll enjoy.

We hope you have a good week!

Monday, 19 June 2017

Week beginning 19.6.17

This week is art week at school - we are redoing the display boards in the corridor and creating a new display board in the library. Every child will do some painting and this will all be combined to create 3 friezes. The theme of art week is books by Sue Hendrix and the friezes will be "Gordon's Great Escape", "Barry the Fish with Fungers" and "Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell". The children have listened to the stories in assembly and have enjoyed the humour! The displays will be up over the next few weeks so please feel free to pop in to see them when they're finished.

Miss Banners class will go on their trip to The Forum and Pizza Express on Wednesday. Please remember to be in school early so we can leave promotly. Don't forget to send in your child's library card and a packed lunch if you haven't ordered one from school.

In maths this week we are revising a lot of the concepts we've taught this year including one more, one less, adding, subtracting and shape.

Please remember to apply sun cream to your child each morning as they choose to be outside for a large part of the day. We have water available inside and outside and we encourage the children to play in the shade as much as they can.

Have a good week!

Monday, 12 June 2017

Week beginning 12.06.17

This week the story of the week is 'Pete's a Pizza' because Mrs Sturman's class is going on their visit to Pizza Express and the forum this week.  Miss Banner's class will be going on their visit next week. We will discuss the ingredients to make a pizza and which toppings the children like on their pizzas.

In maths we will be doing a lot of revisiting concepts that we have covered over the year including; some more sharing objects between people, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, revising telling the time and also counting on and counting back to solve addition and subtraction calculations.

The ducklings have settled in well at school and the children are enjoying learning about the hatching process and watching them learn to swim!

Mrs Sturman's class - Please don't forget that you need to be in earlier on Wednesday for your trip and you will need to bring your library card and a packed lunch if you have not pre-ordered one from school.

Have a good week!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Week beginning 5.6.17

This week something exciting is happening in Reception. Today some duck eggs will arrive and they will be in LS class for the next few weeks so that the children can watch the ducklings hatch, The story we are having this week is 'The Ugly Duckling'. We are revisiting a traditional tale as we thought it was quite a fitting story for this week!

In maths this week we are learning about sharing/dividing objects, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and we are revising 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.

In Year 1 and 2 the children are learning about the Caribbean and we are learning about the UK. Year 1 and 2 have invited us to their Caribbean carnival on Friday afternoon. The children will be making colourful headdresses to wear at the carnival.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Week Beginning 22.05.17

This week the story of the week is 'You Can't Eat a Princess'. It is about a Princess rescuing the King who had been captured by aliens and he had been taken to their planet. The aliens wanted to eat the King but the Princess loved chocolate and the aliens had never tried chocolate. She convinced them to try it instead of eating the King! The princess invited the aliens to a party and fed them chocolate and they all lived happily ever after! The children are continuing to write their own stories and we are hoping that the the more stories they hear the better their ideas for stories will be.

In maths the children are learning how to write and solve addition and subtraction number sentences. We will also be revisiting halving and doubling of numbers and objects so that the children have a more secure knowledge of this concept.

It is our story cafe on Friday morning - please join us if you are able to. The children thoroughly enjoy these events and get a lot from them, they really like to show you what they can do!

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Week Beginning 15.05.18

This week the story is 'The Frog Prince' - we had planned for a different story but the children found some frogs when they were in the outside area and we thought they would like to hear a story about frogs. They also looked at some non-fiction books so they learned how to find out information about frogs too.

In maths we are continuing with addition and subtraction by solving word problems. We are also revising 2D and 3D shapes and we are revisiting time, learning how to tell the time using half past and o' clock.

We are sending home PE kits tonight so that they can be checked as some of the children have some things missing or they've grown out of some of the things.

Please don't forget to put sunscreen on your child at this time of year - some of the children spend the whole day outside. We recommend the cream that only needs applying once a day and lasts the whole day. Therefore you can put it on your child before coming to school and then the children don't need to reapply it throughout the day.

Have a good week!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Week beginning 8.5.17

This week the story is 'Not Last Night but the Night Before'. This characters in this book are all from familiar nursery rhymes. The nursery rhyme characters knock on a little boys door and are there as a surprise to celebrate his birthday. We will discuss how the characters from one story can be used in another and how the children could use this idea in their writing.

In maths we will be learning about doubling and halving. We will be doubling and halving objects and we will also look at doubling and halving numbers.

Don't forget the library van is coming on Wednesday so don't forget to return library books and send in your child's library card.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Week Beginning 1.5.17

This week the story is 'Nat Fantastic' which is about a superhero solving problems and helping people. We are encouraging the children  to try to sort their own problems out first by talking to each other instead of coming straight to an adult, this is to work on developing independence.

After the story we write a shared sentence with the children to revise all the things that the children need to think about when writing e.g. capital letters, finger spaces, using phonics and forming letters correctly. We will be doing lots of practice of independent sentence writing so the children can embed these skills.

In maths we are working on adding and subtraction. We will be using objects to add and take away. With adding we are encouraging the children to put the biggest number in their head and then count on to add the other number.

The children will be doing PE outside this week - please remember to send in trainers/plimsoles.

Have a good week!

Monday, 24 April 2017

Week Beginning 24.04.17

This week the story of the week is 'Burglar Bill' - we are having a break from traditional tales as the children seem to have grasped the language and the structure of these types of stories. We are asking the children what they would like to find out about and then we will look at non fiction books over the next few weeks so the children know what these books are used for and also so they can recognise the features of these books.

In maths we are revising one more and one less than numbers up to 20 - some of the children are still struggling with this concept. We will also be revising teen numbers. Over the next few weeks we will be working on areas that we picked up through the assessments last week to make sure that the children understand these concepts fully and can use them practically in their play.

The children will be doing PE outside this term so please make sure that they have a pair of plimsolls or trainers in their PE kit at school.

In phonics we will be revising what we have learnt so far so that the children are more secure in their phonics so that they are able to use these skills in their reading and writing.

Thank you to those parents who have sent back the questionnaire about transition - it is really helpful to know your thoughts.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Week Beginning 17.04.17

The week we are carrying out maths assessments with the children to see what they have learnt over the year so far and what areas we need to work on for the last part of the year.

The children will be doing some sentence writing so that we can assess what they can do independently.

We will be learning some new tricky words and practising writing them so the children get used to spelling these words correctly when they are writing independently.

We will be practising writing numbers 1 - 20.

The children will be having a talk from a Road Safety person as a reminder about how to keep safe near roads.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

week beginning 27.03.17

This week it is book week so the children are having a different story every day. The stories are 'Everyone Loves Underpants', 'What the Ladybird Heard', 'Supertato' and 'Where's Wally'. The children will also have a story every afternoon read by different teachers. They chose which story they would like to listen to and go to the classroom where that story is being read.

In maths we are working on addition and subtraction and solving real life problems involving addition and subtraction.

We have got our story cafe on Wednesday and it is a phonics based treasure hunt. We hope lots of you will be able to attend and the weather forecast is looking good!

We will be hearing readers throughout the week and showing them the different books that they can choose within the new banding system.

We are assessing phonics this week individually with every child to see what stage they are at.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Week beginning 20.3.17

This week the story is 'Hansel and Gretal'. This is to continue with our theme of traditional tales. At the end of the story we do shared writing all together to encourage the children to remember the writing skills we have taught them such as beginning a sentence with a capital letter, forming letters correctly, using finger spaces and applying our phonic skills to spell the words accurately.

In maths we are focussing on money, the children will learn to recognise coins and we will discuss their value and learn how to add up prices, knowing which coins to use to pay for something.

This week as well as story scribing we will be doing an independent writing activity where the children write a sentence on their own. This is so we can assess how the children's writing skills have developed over the half term.

On a Friday afternoon the children have free flow library access, they can visit the library to sit and read, look at books or change their sharing books ready for the weekend.

We will be doing readers and phonics throughout the week too.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Week beginning 13.3.17

This week the story that we are staring with is 'Beauty and the Beast'. This is to continue with our theme of traditional tales which the children seem to enjoying.

In maths we are learning how to double and also how to tell the time to half past and o' clock. You may notice the children starting to show an interest in clocks at home.

The library van will be visiting on Wednesday - please make sure the children have their library card in their book bag and any books they need to return.

On a Friday afternoon the children have free flow library access, they can visit the library to sit and read, look at books or change their sharing books ready for the weekend.

We will be doing story scribing, readers and phonics throughout the week too.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Week Beginning 6.3.17

The story of the week is 'Goldilocks', this is to carry on our theme of traditional tales. It also links with mathematical language small, medium and large when comparing size. The children are beginning to use the language of traditional tales when they are role playing and also in their writing, which is fantastic to see. We have also put porridge oats outside for the children to explore in their play.

In maths we are focusing on recognising 19 and 20. Then we will start work on ordering numbers to 20 and investigating missing numbers in a numberline to 20. We want the children be confident with numbers 1-20 and be able to know one more, one less than any of those numbers, be able to order them and be able to spot a missing number in a number line. This is what the children need to be able to do by the end of Reception. 

The children will continue to learn through play, read and learn phonics throughout the week.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Week Beginning 27.02.17

This week the story is 'Mr Wolf's pancakes'. The story features a lot of the traditional tale characters that the children have heard about in the last few weeks. The story is about working as a team and helping each other.

It is pancake day tomorrow so the children will have the opportunity to make and try pancakes. We will discuss healthy eating, good hygiene whilst cooking, traditions and the changes that the children notice during the cooking process.

In maths we are revising teen numbers and learning how to subtract using objects to help.

The children will continue to do story scribing, phonics, reading and learning through play. Everyday the children choose what they want to do and the learning follows the children's own interests.

 They are also continuing PE and the theme is games.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Week Beginning 20.2.17

This week is international week at school - we will look at the UK and we are also learning a bit about the arctic. The children received a letter from Santa Claus asking them to recommend where he could go on holiday. Some of the children have already written replies with some good recommendations!

The children have looked at fiction and non-fiction books about the arctic. They have learnt about the animals who live in the arctic. We have talked daily life and about similarities and difference between there and where we live.

In maths we are revising teen numbers and adding with objects by counting how many altogether.

The children will be writing a sentence independently so that we can assess what they can do on their own.

Have a good week!

Monday, 6 February 2017

Week beginning 6.2.17

This week we are continuing with traditional tales and the book this week is 'Heidi'. The children know that traditional tales were passed down verbally and not always written down. We are really focusing on the language used in stories and the children will discuss the characters, the order of the story and the setting. Our new library is nearly finished and the children will be able to go visit this week if they choose to.

We are assessing phonics this week to see how the children are getting on. This may mean that they need to move into a different phonic group or we need to go back over some of the phonics we have taught. We will not be doing writing this week as the time will be taken up with assessments. The children will still be reading or doing their sound game or blend game. Please continue to practise at home over half term.

In maths we are continuing to learn about 1 more and 1 less than a number and we are revisiting teen numbers, the children are working on recognisng teen number to 20 and ordering them.

It is International week the first week back so we will be looking at the map of the United Kingdom. We always do a revision of the UK so the children become familiar with the countries in the UK and where different places are located. We  remind the children where Norwich is and other key places that children may have visited in the past. We will ask the children about similarities and differences between Norwich and other places they have visited. We are looking forward to seeing if anyone goes anywhere different in the UK this half term - don't forget to take photos if you visit anywhere so that we can add it to our UK board in the classrooms.

Have a great half term holiday!

Monday, 30 January 2017

Week beginning 30.1.17

This week the story is 'The Elves and the Shoemaker'. We are continuing to discuss traditional stories, the way they are structured, the language used in them, the characters and the setting. Some of the children are starting to use the language of traditional tales when they are writing their own stories which is excellent.

In maths we are concentrating on one more and one less. We will be using a numberline to help the children to visualise this concept and using objects so that they can physically add and subtract one. We are also going to be revising teen numbers and putting them in order.

We will be continuing with phonics and we will introduce more tricky words. The tricky words we have introduced so far are 'I', 'go',  'to' and 'the'.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Week beginning 23.1.17

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. The children watched a video about a boy who lives in a Manchester and they saw how he celebrates Chinese New Year. They saw dragon dancing, learnt about the special food and saw how messages are written on lanterns and sent off to the Gods in the sky for good luck.

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. The children have been looking at the names and the  properties of the shapes. We have also sorted the shapes into common groups.

We have continued to do story scribing throughout the week and the children act out the stories they have written at the end of the day which they really seem to be enjoying. We're pleased with the progress they are making.

We have also learnt the tricky words 'I', 'go', 'to' and 'the'. These are words that cannot be sounded out and the children need to recognise these words by sight.

The children have had a Chinese New Year workshop today where they all did a dragon dance and learnt more about the celebrations.

Please remember to leave blend/sound games and books in reading folders so we can we can work on them at school too.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Week beginning 16.1.17

This week the book we are sharing is 'Rumplestiltskin'. We are going to be focusing on traditional tales for the next few weeks and discussing the language used in these books, the characters and the structure of the stories.

In maths we are working on teen numbers. Most of the children have a good grasp on numbers 1-10 so we thought it was a good idea to start working on the higher numbers. We will be practising recognising and ordering them, The children will be playing lots of games to help them gain a good understanding of these number. Please practise this at home too if you can.

We are continuing to work on phonics in our groups.

The children will also visit the library van today - please remember that unless the children have their library card, they will not be able to go and choose a book.

Please remember to keep sound games/blend games/reading books and yellow reading records in book bags.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Week Beginning 9.1.17

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and a happy start to 2017.

This week we had the story Dear Zoo. We used the ebook version of this story so that the children see books in different formats.

We will start group phonics this week. All the children are split between 4 groups based on the phonics that they need to learn or recap on. We move children about throughout the half term depending on how they are getting on. Please don't be concerned over which group your child is in as they will be getting the teaching that they need.

We hope you all got on ok with your child's sound games, blend games and books over the holidays. We will be working on these once a week with your child individually. During this time we will change the sounds, practise the blend game or if your child is on a book this is the time where we would change the book. Please keep practising at home and recording what you do in there reading record books.

In maths we are working on adding two groups together and looking at groups of objects and finding out one more or one less than a number.

If you haven't done so already please make sure that your child has a complete set of spare clothes, PE kit, wellies and their all in one weather suit on their pegs.

We hope you have a good week!