Tuesday, 28 March 2017

week beginning 27.03.17

This week it is book week so the children are having a different story every day. The stories are 'Everyone Loves Underpants', 'What the Ladybird Heard', 'Supertato' and 'Where's Wally'. The children will also have a story every afternoon read by different teachers. They chose which story they would like to listen to and go to the classroom where that story is being read.

In maths we are working on addition and subtraction and solving real life problems involving addition and subtraction.

We have got our story cafe on Wednesday and it is a phonics based treasure hunt. We hope lots of you will be able to attend and the weather forecast is looking good!

We will be hearing readers throughout the week and showing them the different books that they can choose within the new banding system.

We are assessing phonics this week individually with every child to see what stage they are at.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Week beginning 20.3.17

This week the story is 'Hansel and Gretal'. This is to continue with our theme of traditional tales. At the end of the story we do shared writing all together to encourage the children to remember the writing skills we have taught them such as beginning a sentence with a capital letter, forming letters correctly, using finger spaces and applying our phonic skills to spell the words accurately.

In maths we are focussing on money, the children will learn to recognise coins and we will discuss their value and learn how to add up prices, knowing which coins to use to pay for something.

This week as well as story scribing we will be doing an independent writing activity where the children write a sentence on their own. This is so we can assess how the children's writing skills have developed over the half term.

On a Friday afternoon the children have free flow library access, they can visit the library to sit and read, look at books or change their sharing books ready for the weekend.

We will be doing readers and phonics throughout the week too.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Week beginning 13.3.17

This week the story that we are staring with is 'Beauty and the Beast'. This is to continue with our theme of traditional tales which the children seem to enjoying.

In maths we are learning how to double and also how to tell the time to half past and o' clock. You may notice the children starting to show an interest in clocks at home.

The library van will be visiting on Wednesday - please make sure the children have their library card in their book bag and any books they need to return.

On a Friday afternoon the children have free flow library access, they can visit the library to sit and read, look at books or change their sharing books ready for the weekend.

We will be doing story scribing, readers and phonics throughout the week too.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Week Beginning 6.3.17

The story of the week is 'Goldilocks', this is to carry on our theme of traditional tales. It also links with mathematical language small, medium and large when comparing size. The children are beginning to use the language of traditional tales when they are role playing and also in their writing, which is fantastic to see. We have also put porridge oats outside for the children to explore in their play.

In maths we are focusing on recognising 19 and 20. Then we will start work on ordering numbers to 20 and investigating missing numbers in a numberline to 20. We want the children be confident with numbers 1-20 and be able to know one more, one less than any of those numbers, be able to order them and be able to spot a missing number in a number line. This is what the children need to be able to do by the end of Reception. 

The children will continue to learn through play, read and learn phonics throughout the week.