Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Week Beginning 22.05.17

This week the story of the week is 'You Can't Eat a Princess'. It is about a Princess rescuing the King who had been captured by aliens and he had been taken to their planet. The aliens wanted to eat the King but the Princess loved chocolate and the aliens had never tried chocolate. She convinced them to try it instead of eating the King! The princess invited the aliens to a party and fed them chocolate and they all lived happily ever after! The children are continuing to write their own stories and we are hoping that the the more stories they hear the better their ideas for stories will be.

In maths the children are learning how to write and solve addition and subtraction number sentences. We will also be revisiting halving and doubling of numbers and objects so that the children have a more secure knowledge of this concept.

It is our story cafe on Friday morning - please join us if you are able to. The children thoroughly enjoy these events and get a lot from them, they really like to show you what they can do!

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Week Beginning 15.05.18

This week the story is 'The Frog Prince' - we had planned for a different story but the children found some frogs when they were in the outside area and we thought they would like to hear a story about frogs. They also looked at some non-fiction books so they learned how to find out information about frogs too.

In maths we are continuing with addition and subtraction by solving word problems. We are also revising 2D and 3D shapes and we are revisiting time, learning how to tell the time using half past and o' clock.

We are sending home PE kits tonight so that they can be checked as some of the children have some things missing or they've grown out of some of the things.

Please don't forget to put sunscreen on your child at this time of year - some of the children spend the whole day outside. We recommend the cream that only needs applying once a day and lasts the whole day. Therefore you can put it on your child before coming to school and then the children don't need to reapply it throughout the day.

Have a good week!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Week beginning 8.5.17

This week the story is 'Not Last Night but the Night Before'. This characters in this book are all from familiar nursery rhymes. The nursery rhyme characters knock on a little boys door and are there as a surprise to celebrate his birthday. We will discuss how the characters from one story can be used in another and how the children could use this idea in their writing.

In maths we will be learning about doubling and halving. We will be doubling and halving objects and we will also look at doubling and halving numbers.

Don't forget the library van is coming on Wednesday so don't forget to return library books and send in your child's library card.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Week Beginning 1.5.17

This week the story is 'Nat Fantastic' which is about a superhero solving problems and helping people. We are encouraging the children  to try to sort their own problems out first by talking to each other instead of coming straight to an adult, this is to work on developing independence.

After the story we write a shared sentence with the children to revise all the things that the children need to think about when writing e.g. capital letters, finger spaces, using phonics and forming letters correctly. We will be doing lots of practice of independent sentence writing so the children can embed these skills.

In maths we are working on adding and subtraction. We will be using objects to add and take away. With adding we are encouraging the children to put the biggest number in their head and then count on to add the other number.

The children will be doing PE outside this week - please remember to send in trainers/plimsoles.

Have a good week!