Friday, 23 June 2017

Week beginning 26.6.17

This week we are going to revisit traditional tales in preparation for our trip to Gressenhall. This week we are reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We want the children to become really familiar with these stories so they get as much out of the trip as possible. They will take part in four different activities involving different fairy stories. The activities are led by a character from the books.

The children will be doing independent writing over the next few weeks so that we can really see what they are capable of and to see which skills the children remember without being reminded.

In maths we will revise counting forwards and backwards, looking at coins and adding up amounts. We will also look at heights and comparing who is tallest, shortest etc.

We will be continuing to have free flow library time where the children can choose to go to the library and look at books.

On Friday the children will get to watch the Y1s and 2s summer concert which we are sure theyll enjoy.

We hope you have a good week!

Monday, 19 June 2017

Week beginning 19.6.17

This week is art week at school - we are redoing the display boards in the corridor and creating a new display board in the library. Every child will do some painting and this will all be combined to create 3 friezes. The theme of art week is books by Sue Hendrix and the friezes will be "Gordon's Great Escape", "Barry the Fish with Fungers" and "Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell". The children have listened to the stories in assembly and have enjoyed the humour! The displays will be up over the next few weeks so please feel free to pop in to see them when they're finished.

Miss Banners class will go on their trip to The Forum and Pizza Express on Wednesday. Please remember to be in school early so we can leave promotly. Don't forget to send in your child's library card and a packed lunch if you haven't ordered one from school.

In maths this week we are revising a lot of the concepts we've taught this year including one more, one less, adding, subtracting and shape.

Please remember to apply sun cream to your child each morning as they choose to be outside for a large part of the day. We have water available inside and outside and we encourage the children to play in the shade as much as they can.

Have a good week!

Monday, 12 June 2017

Week beginning 12.06.17

This week the story of the week is 'Pete's a Pizza' because Mrs Sturman's class is going on their visit to Pizza Express and the forum this week.  Miss Banner's class will be going on their visit next week. We will discuss the ingredients to make a pizza and which toppings the children like on their pizzas.

In maths we will be doing a lot of revisiting concepts that we have covered over the year including; some more sharing objects between people, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, revising telling the time and also counting on and counting back to solve addition and subtraction calculations.

The ducklings have settled in well at school and the children are enjoying learning about the hatching process and watching them learn to swim!

Mrs Sturman's class - Please don't forget that you need to be in earlier on Wednesday for your trip and you will need to bring your library card and a packed lunch if you have not pre-ordered one from school.

Have a good week!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Week beginning 5.6.17

This week something exciting is happening in Reception. Today some duck eggs will arrive and they will be in LS class for the next few weeks so that the children can watch the ducklings hatch, The story we are having this week is 'The Ugly Duckling'. We are revisiting a traditional tale as we thought it was quite a fitting story for this week!

In maths this week we are learning about sharing/dividing objects, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and we are revising 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.

In Year 1 and 2 the children are learning about the Caribbean and we are learning about the UK. Year 1 and 2 have invited us to their Caribbean carnival on Friday afternoon. The children will be making colourful headdresses to wear at the carnival.

Have a good week!