Friday, 24 November 2017

Week beginning 27.11.17

This week we are finalising the nativity play and practising our singing and acting skills. The children are doing really well and we hope that you will be impressed when you come to see it.

We are beginning to read Christmas themed books to get the children in the festive mood!

In maths we are continuing to revise number by counting, recognising, ordering and finding a missing number on a numberline.

We are continuing to learn the sounds and practising writing the sounds too. Please carry on with name writing at home as the children seem to be getting on well with the added help.

The children are still playing both inside and outside, they have been enjoying painting recently and learning how to mix colours.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Week beginning 20.11.17

This week we have shared the story of the nativity so the children are familiar for when they are doing their nativity play.

We have started proper rehearsals in the hall for the nativity play. The children are singing beautifully and the children with speaking roles are doing really well. We will send the words home to practise so they can build up their confidence and volume.

We are continuing with phonics and you will get the sounds we have covered on Friday.

We are also continuing to consolidate counting skills, number recognition and ordering of numbers.

The children had a panto workshop yesterday which they absolutely loved.

Monday, 13 November 2017

Week beginning 13.11.17

This week we are continuing with traditional tales and the story is Rumpelstiltskin.

Elements of the traditional tales are beginning to creep into the children's play when they are role playing and also into the stories they are writing which is good to see.

In maths we are working on recognising numbers, ordering numbers to 10 and 20 and working out a missing number in a numberline.

We are continuing with phonics and you will get a sheet with the sounds we have covered this week in your child's book bag at the end of the week. There will also be a name handwriting sheet as well as the talking homework.

We are continuing to learn songs for our nativity.

Don't forget it's and optional non-uniform day on Friday in aid of Children in Need.
Have a good week!

Monday, 6 November 2017

Week Beginning 6.11.17

This week the story is The Elves and the Shoemaker as we are starting to learn about traditional tales. We introduce the children to the language that is used in these stories, the way they are structured, where there are set and the characters in them. We hope that by hearing stories like this the children will start using some of these features when they are writing their own stories. 

We are starting phonics this week where we introduce the children to the sounds. There is a letter about this in your child's book bag.

In maths we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will go on a shape walk to see which shapes we can spot while we are out and about. We will learn the names of the shapes and their properties.

We are also starting to learn songs for our nativity show. the dates of the nativity are on the website calendar and more details will follow.

The school photographer is here on Wednesday to take individual photos of the children. You will receive a proof of these photos to order from they are ready.

Don't forget parent teacher interviews are taking place at the moment - you should receive a reminder text about these - if you are unable to make your appointment please talk to your child's teacher to rearrange.

Have a good week!