Monday, 26 February 2018

Week beginning 26.02.18

This week the story is 'The Princess and the Frog'. The children are really enjoying the fairy stories, especially the acting out part! As you all saw at parent's meetings, the children's writing is really starting to take off and we are super impressed with how much progress they have made. The more stories they hear, the better their stories will be as they are using some of the features in their own writing.

In maths this week we are learning about money. We will be looking at the coins and their values. We will also be adding money and looking at how to make different amounts using combinations of coins.

Don't forget we are celebrating world book day on Friday and you had a letter about dressing up last week. The children will get book vouchers on Thursday.

Due to the weather being so cold this week and the forecast of snow we will be going outside but for limited time so the children do not get too cold.

Have a good week!

Monday, 19 February 2018

Week Beginning 19.02.18

Welcome back - We hope you all had a fantastic half term!

The story that we are starting this half term with is 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' The children have started acting out the story as we read it. This will help to build the children's confidence and also to help them understand the story more thoroughly.

In maths we are learning about subtraction by using objects and taking away an amount. We are also going to practise counting backwards, revising telling the time and learning how to write teen numbers. 

We are going to start doing a bit more writing every week to really develop the children's writing skills so that they become more independent. Every week we will practise writing a sentence so that the children become more confident with formation of letters, using finger spaces, using  phonic knowledge to help with spelling and using full stops.  

Please remember there are still some parent interviews happening on Tuesday evening and Friday morning. You should get a reminder text the day before - if you don't get the text please let us know as we may not have the right contact numbers for you. 
If you haven't had a parent teacher interview please speak to Miss Banner or Mrs Sturman and they will book one for you. 

Have a good week!

Monday, 5 February 2018

Week beginning 5.2.18

We are starting the week with the story 'Peter and the Wolf'' as we are continuing with fairy tales. The children seem to be enjoying these stories and they are beginning to retell them verbally which helps with sequencing.

In maths we are working on adding. We are staring to add 2 groups of objects together and then we will move on to adding by starting with the biggest number and then counting forwards to find the total.

We will be continuing with story scribing, phonics and free flow play throughout the week.

Please don't forget our bake sale on Wednesday. If you can possibly make some cakes for us to sell after school then we would be very grateful.

Over half term please can your child continue to read - they are starting to really take off with reading and if they have a week off from this can really set them back.

Have a great half term holiday!

Friday, 2 February 2018

Week Beginning 29.01.18

This week our story was Hansel and Gretel. We are really focusing on the language and the structure of stories so that the children begin to use these in their writing. We are also practising writing cvc (e.g. cat) words so that we are using our phonic knowledge accurately and the children will begin doing this independently.

In maths we have been writing teen numbers, learning about time (o'clock and half past) and sequencing events according to time. It has been good to hear the children talking about time and money in their play.

The children have been enjoying staying dry under the new canopies with the horrible weather we have had this week. It's nice for them to get back to normal free flow between the outside area and both Reception classrooms.

The children have also been enjoying free flow library time where they have the option on a Friday afternoon of going to spend time in the library.

This week the children have been baking scones (if they have chosen to) and with successful results!

Please can we ask you to stand on the outside of the line when lining up on a morning so that the adults can make their way down the line easily. Thank you!

We will be having a bake sale next week which you will get a letter about tonight. The support we had last time was amazing so hopefully we'll be able to raise a good amount again.

Have a good weekend!