Monday, 26 March 2018

Week Beginning 26.03.18

This week the story the children are focusing on is 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse'. We have just bought a new box of Traditional/Fairy tales so there are few new and different ones that we can share with the children over the next few weeks. We think they'll really enjoy these stories as some of them they will be unfamiliar with.

In maths we are finishing off assessing the children so that we know which areas need a bit more focus next term. 

The children have got a dance lesson with Bryony to learn a special dance that you will hopefully see in the summer term on sports day.

On Wednesday we have got a story cafe which you have all been invited to. We hope the nice weather stays put as we will be outside doing a phonic treasure hunt and hope that many of you will be able to come and join us too. There will also be a drop in session after the story cafe where you are welcome to pop in to the classrooms and the outside area and see your child's learning journey and also what they get up to at school. 

Over Easter please continue to listen to your child's reading and encourage them to do a little bit of writing. Also while you're out and about any extra counting, adding and subtraction practice would also be good.

Have a Happy Easter!

Monday, 19 March 2018

Week beginning 19.03.18

This week the story is 'The Magic Porridge Pot' as we are continuing with our theme of traditional tales.

This week we are continuing with Hare artwork for the hall and around school and we had our turn adding to the GO GO Hare 'Hairy McHarey' which the children thoroughly enjoyed. It is also assessment week so we are assessing the children's learning in maths and phonics.

We are continuing with story scribing, reading and phonics as usual and the children have free flow play between the classes and the outside area. We have reorganised and changed resources in the maths shed and the writing shed so that the children make more use of these in the outdoor areas. We have also purchased some large wooden blocks for outside for open ended play and the children will get to use this week.

Just so you are aware the children can access cooking and woodwork every day if they choose but, whilst we are assessing and painting this week, these activities are restricted.

With cooking in Reception the children have a recipe to follow (see below) and they make their own individual item independently - when enough children have had a turn and there are enough things to fill a baking tray an adult puts them in the oven. The children then bring their item home at the end of the day. Please come and see us if you have any questions.
Have a good week!

Monday, 12 March 2018

Week beginning 12.03.18

This week the story is the 'Hare and the Tortoise'. This is continuing our theme of traditional tales and fairy stories.

We have got a bit of a theme of hares at the moment which is another reason why we chose the story this week. We are lucky to have been able to buy a GoGoHare which we are currently working on so it is ready for the trail in the summer. We also chose this as the topic for our whole school art project.
We are redoing the boards in the hall, so every child in the school will do some hare artwork and some will go up in the hall and some will go up in and around our classrooms. All the children over the next could of weeks will complete their hare artwork and we will let you know when these are up in and around school so you can come and have a look.

In maths we will be learning about doubling and halving - we will do this in a very practical way to introduce the idea. We will practise using objects and doubling and halving them.

Please remember we are having our book day on Friday so don't forget that the dressing up is wearing pants on the outside like in Aliens Love Underpants. The children are having a session with an author and we will have book activities in class. The children will get the opportunity to visit another teacher for a story.

The library van is visiting on Wednesday so please remember to put library books that need to be returned in your child's book bag and also send their library card in as they will not be able to take out a book without one.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Week Beginning 5.3.18

We hope you all had a lovely time in the snow and everyone managed to get out to play in it!

Due to only being in school for 2 days last week we didn't get to do the things we planned for last week so we will continue this week!

This week the story is 'Little Red Riding Hood'.  The children thoroughly enjoyed acting the story out and their dramatic skills are improving week on week.

In maths this week we are learning about money. We will be looking at the coins and their values. We will also be adding money and looking at how to make different amounts using combinations of coins.

Our book day activities will be rearranged for the future - details to follow.

Have a good week!