Monday, 9 July 2018

Week beginning 09.07.18

This week the story is 'Alice in Wonderland'  we thought the children would enjoy the nonsense element of the story! It will also help them to see how they can let their imaginations go wild when they are creating their own stories or doing role play.

We said good bye to the ducklings last week - the children really enjoyed looking after the ducklings and teaching them to swim.

In maths this week we are looking at numbers over 20 and revising one more and one less.

We will be having a daily rehearsal of our surprise dance for sports day.

We will be continuing with phonics, sentence writing and readers as well as having normal inside and outside play.

The children will visit their new class again on Thursday where they will see their new teacher and teaching assistants.

For this children who are in Rock Steady there is the band concert this Friday which you should have had details about if your child is performing.

If you are in the city on Saturday the Garrick Green Singers will be performing a John Lewis at 10.30.

Have a good week!

Monday, 2 July 2018

Week beginning 2.7.18

This week we are very excited about the ducklings - we have 3 that have hatched already and the children watched a video of an egg hatching. The ducklings have to have a swim every day and the children are fascinated when they are watching them! The children have also been able to hold the ducklings and they were all very careful and knew to be gentle.

In maths this week we are revising addition and using the mini whiteboards to record our number sentences. We are drawing circles to represent the units and then counting how many we have altogether. The children will also have access to a numberline so that they can use that method if they prefer.

We will be continuing to do phonics every day and we are really impressed with how all the children are doing. They will all write a sentences this week as well as doing their story scribing. We are continuing to hear readers and revise tricky words.

On Friday we are going to watch the Y1 and 2 summer concert and in the afternoon the children will visit their new class and meet their Y1 teacher and teaching assistants.

On Friday from 5pm it is the school summer fair so please come into the classrooms and see your child's learning journey and also visit your child's new class and teacher and, of course, enjoy all the fun of the fair! It's going to be a scorcher!