Monday, 29 October 2018

Week Beginning 29.10.18

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term. It was lovely to see lots of smiling children this morning ready to come back to school!

This week the story of the week is 'Cinderella' as we are continuing with traditional tales. The children will act this story out too.

In maths the number of the week is 4. We are concentrating on counting objects in a line accurately by touching or moving each object and saying a number name for each object and also counting out a set amount of objects.

We are starting squiggle this week which helps with gross motor skills and will in turn strengthen muscles to aid writing. We basically make big movements with handkerchiefs and then make smaller movements on paper with crayons using both hands. This week the movement is up and down. This will help with the formation of letters l, t, i, and j.

We are also starting to write independently where the children will have a go at writing in their own little book.

Phonics will be continuing and this week the sounds are h, n, r, m and j. The stories and actions will be in children's bookbags at the end of the week.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Week Beginning 15.10.18

This week the story of the week is Jack and the Beanstalk as we're continuing with traditional tales. Their acting out skills are really being demonstrated through their play which is really lovely to see!

We have been doing IT self portraits to go on display with their painted self portraits to show the children how different media can be used and to develop IT skills. We discussed which media the children preferred using and why. They have been using a simple paint program on the computer and creating some great artwork in their free play too.

We have been doing phonics and the sounds this week are a, d and qu and there will be a sheet in your child's book bag at the end of the week for you to help your child to practise at home.

In Maths we have been refining our counting skills by lining up objects and touching each one or moving each one as we say the number to ensure accurate counting. We found lots of children were over counting because they were counting too quickly and not saying a number for each object.

Wow - the children have all been at school for a whole half term and they seem to be really enjoying it! We're really pleased with how they've settled in and adjusted well to school! Well done!

Have a great half term!

Monday, 8 October 2018

Week Beginning 8.10.18

Last week the story was Little Red Riding Hood and the children are becoming very good at acting out the story. We started doing focused observations last week with 3 focus children. The focus children change every week and we observe in each of the EYFS areas.

This week the story of the week is The Elves and the Shoemaker. At the beginning of Reception we concentrate on traditional stories so that the children see how these stories are structured and the language that is used. This will then hopefully come out in the children's play and independent story scribing.

In maths we do a number of the week. This week the number is 3. We have a story, rhyme and action to go with each number which will help the children to remember how to recognise that number. Mental maths this week will be activities that focus on the number 3.

We are starting phonics this week too - this week the phonics are l, t, i, o and c. You will get the stories and the action for these sounds on Friday in your child's book bag so you can practise at home. The sound mat will also help the children to remember these sounds as there is a picture with the sound that relates to the story.

We are painting self portraits this week to go on display in the classroom. We will be looking closely at the features on our face and recreating this with paint. I'll let you know when the display is up so you can come and have a look.

We will do a big talk every day where we have a different talk topic and the children say a sentence about this topic. This is to get the children more confident at talking in front of a group and also to encourage talking in a sentence and extending vocabulary. Topics this week are: Pets, At the park and what did you see on the way to school.

Have a good week!