Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Week Beginning 14.1.19

This week the story of the week is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. We are sticking to traditional tales to encourage the children to use the language in these stories and also to get the idea of the structure of traditional tales.

Image result for snow white and the seven dwarfs

We are also continuing to write sentences both independently and supported. The children will also be writing another dictated sentence. This will all help to develop the children's writing skills including phonics, letter formation, using finger spaces and full stops.

If you need any more info on phonics to support your child at home there are videos by Mr Thorne on you tube covering the sounds we teach in school. Some of the children have started learning diagraphs which is where two letters make one sound e.g. ch, sh and oa. 
He also has a whole website for help and support:

In Maths we are learning how to add 2 numbers together. We will do this practically with objects and also by putting the biggest number in our head and counting on either using our fingers or a numberline. There are some games on Education city that will support this e.g. Beach holiday. We will also be comparing lengths and heights.

The number of the week is number 12

Image result for 12

The recipe for cooking in class this week is Anzac biscuits:

Don't forget the online safety meeting for parents at Garrick Green on Tuesday 15th Januaryat 7pm. 
There are plenty of website links on our website that will give you more infomation about ways to keep safe online. 

Monday, 7 January 2019

Week Beginning 7.1.19

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely holiday.

This week we are promoting online safety so the story this week is 'Monkeycow' which is about keeping passwords secret. The children are going to design a poster to remind people to keep safe online and these will be entered into a competition. Throughout the year we also continue this theme in class and through whole school assemblies. Please make sure you can come to one of the online safety sessions we are running for parents - there was a letter last week giving you more details about this.

In maths the number of the week is 11 - we are impressed with how many of the single digit numbers the children have remembered. We are going to be working on knowing one less than any given number. To learn about this we will play a bus game where one person gets off the bus each time and we will also be using cubes to practically find one less and looking at the numberline to create a visual cue for this process.

We will be continuing with our independent writing and also our story scribing as well as a bit of dictation writing where we say a sentence and the children have a go at writing it.

We have split into groups for phonics based on last terms assessments so that the children are getting exactly the sounds they need at a pace that suits them. Please keep practising reading/sound games/blend games as often as you can.

Have a good week!