Monday, 12 December 2016

Week beginning 12.12.16

The final week of the first term at school is here - we think it's flown by! The children are doing really well but we think lots of them will be glad it's the Christmas holidays!

We are really pleased with how the children have settled into school life and it has been  great to see how much they have developed over their first term.

This week we are assessing the children's phonics to see which sounds they have remembered. This will inform us about which phonic group they will need to be in January. It will also help us to sort out sound games and blend games to send home to play. If you're coming to the story cafe on Friday you will hear a bit more about this then.

We will be watching The Snowman ⛄ on DVD and retelling this verbally as a class to practise story telling.

There will also be lots of play this week - the children are enjoying following their own interests. They are brilliant at choosing where they want to play and which resources to use in their play.

We wish everyone a very merry Christmas 🎅 and a happy New Year and hope you all have a lovely holiday!🎄

Monday, 5 December 2016

Week beginning 05.12.16

The week of the nativity performances is here! We hope you'll be wowed by the children, they have worked really hard.

We will be filming the performance on Tuesday for the DVD which you should have had a letter about in book bags. The press have asked us to send them a photo to go in the paper and we'll try to inform you of when this will be in.

By the end of this week we will have taught all the single sounds in phonics. Please continue to practise these at home using the stories and actions that we've put in book bags.

We will be having time in the library to swap sharing books on Friday - we hope you're enjoying the new books.

Please look out for the story cafe letter about the event next Friday in book bags too.

Have a good week!

Friday, 25 November 2016

week beginning 28.11.16

This week it is the final week of our nativity rehearsals, the songs are coming together and the children are getting more confident saying their words in a loud voice.The costumes are looking very sparkly!

We will be continuing with phonics, the sounds this week are u, y,e and k and we will be revising all the ones we have covered so far.

We are looking forward to our theatre trip on Tuesday to see 'We're going on a bear hunt."

We will be making Christmas biscuits for a decorate a biscuit stall at the Christmas fair.

We'd like to say a huge thank you for all your cake donations for our cake sale. We were amazed at how many people contributed. We raised £160 which is fantastic. Thank you!

Friday, 18 November 2016

week beginning 21.11.16

This week the main focus is on the nativity play - we will be rehearsing and practising singing every day so that the children will be confident when they have an audience!

We will be doing some writing - the children will choose what they want to write about and we will do a lots of speaking alongside this.

We are continuing with phonics this week with the sounds r, h, n, j and m.

Don't forget there is a school dinner taster event on Wednesday where you can sample the dinners. You are welcome to  collect your children from class to sample the food with you.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Week beginning 14.11.16

This week the children will be starting to learn songs for the nativity play. We will tell the children which part they will be in the play and if there are any words that they need to learn, we will send these home to practise. We provide all costumes - your tea towels are safe! The dates for the nativity are on the calendar on the Garrick Green website.

We will also be baking in class so we have lots to sell at the bake sale. We would really appreciate it if you could bake cakes for us to sell on Wednesday too. We are raising money for a stage area to be built outside which the children will really enjoy using.

We will be continuing our phonics by learning new sounds. The children are very good at the sounds and actions and are spotting the letters when we read books. Ask them which sounds they can remember!

We will be starting story scribing where the child tells the adult a story and we write it for them, modelling good writing. This will build up over the year from the children taking the pencil and writing the sounds they are able to until the child is writing the full piece. Some of the children will act out their story at the end of the day.

The children are going to go into whole school assembly this week. They will go in to a story assembly on Wednesday and celebration assembly on Friday.

Don't forget that on Friday it's Children in Need day so if the children want to wear spots they can and they pay £1.50 which will go towards the charity.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Week Beginning 7.11.16

This week the story is 'A Little bit of Winter' by Paul Stewart. The children will discuss hibernation and they will continue to talk about the change in the seasons.

The children will be learning about Internet safety through a discussion and they will sign the classroom rules to say they know how to stay safe online.

We are starting phonics this week where the children will learn the sounds the letters make. They will hear a little story to go with the sounds, learn an action to help them remember it and they will have a go at writing the letter too. You will get a list of the stories and the actions on Friday.

In maths the children will learn about 2D shapes and we are doing a shape walk to see if we can see shapes in the environment. The children will use iPads to take photos of the shapes they see and we will display them in the classroom. The children will be focusing on the names and the properties of the shapes.

A little reminder - there will individual school photos on Wednesday and don't forget to sign up for parent teacher interviews.

Have a good week!

Friday, 4 November 2016

Week beginning 31.10.16

We welcomed lots of fabulously dressed children in on Monday - the Halloween costumes looked great. Some of the children were tricky to recognise! Thank you all for the tombola prizes you sent in.

This week we have started doing little teaching inputs on the carpet. In maths we have working in counting skills. The children have been lining up objects and making sure they say a number each time they touch an object so that counting is more accurate. We have also been counting things we do e.g. Claps and jumps.

Continuing with the Halloween theme the children heard the story "Winnie in Winter."  They discussed the differences between the seasons.

We have put the children's name cards up in the classroom and we are encouraging the children to copy their name, forming the letters correctly. We have started 'squiggle' this week to encourage correct letter formation too.

We have started some phonic listening activities to get the children tuned into listening to the sounds in words. We have also done some work on rhyming and alliteration.

The children have all brought home their first piece of homework - an image discussion. This is in their homework book in their book bag. There is a letter explaining this in their book bag too.

Have a good weekend - enjoy the fireworks!

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Week Beginning 17.10.16

This week is International week at Garrick Green and the country we are learning about is France.
The children listened to a story 'A Walk in Paris' as an introduction to France, where they learned about key landmarks, history, architecture and a little bit of french language.

We are going to make brioche this week so that the children can learn about the process of making a french bread. They will all get to bring a brioche roll home to try too.

We will be discussing the artwork of Matisse and the Eiffel Tower during big talk.

With the run up to half term we will also discuss what plans we have for the holiday or what we would like to do.

Unfortunately Reception didn't get the chance to go on the library van but they visited the school library instead. They will get priority next time.

Have a great half term and don't forget to email us/send in any photos of the children if you are out and about in the United Kingdom over the holidays.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Week beginning 10.10.16

This week the children will be painting self-portraits. They will use their observational skills by looking at the friends in class and seeing if they can spot similarities and differences. They will also look closely at themselves in mirrors and we will talk about the different parts of our bodies. The children will also take 'selfies' using iPads. When the portraits are finished we will put them on display in the classroom.

We are starting big talk this week where the children will talk to a partner each day about the talk topic of the day and then they share their sentences with the whole class.

Please come in and see the children's Christmas card designs on Thursday 13th October between 3pm-4pm and you can place your orders, you will need to pay there and then.

Have a good week!

Monday, 3 October 2016

Week Beginning 3.10.16

I hate to mention the 'Christmas' word but we have to start getting prepared! This week the children are making a Christmas card design. They are painting Rudolph the red nosed reindeer using handprints. You are invited in to school see the design they have done on Thursday 13th October at the end of the day and you can say whether you would like to buy their design. Then we send the designs off to be made into cards. They will be returned to us after half term all ready for you to write and send out!

We are continuing with assessing the children throughout the week.

We are starting mental maths this week focussing on counting skills and recognising numbers.

Have a good week!

Monday, 26 September 2016

Week Beginning 26.9.16

We hope you all had a good weekend and the children weren't too tired after their first week of full days!

This week we are reading the story 'A Squash and a Squeeze' as we are sticking with the Julia Donaldson theme. The children are also going to watch The Gruffalo and we are going to have a discussion about how it is similar or different to the book.

We are starting something called 'Marvellous Me' where we choose a child to be 'Marvelous Me' for the week. They get to wear a medal, sit in a special chair, be at the front of the line and take the register every day. We have a class discussion about what makes the child who has been chosen marvellous, this is to encourage positive self esteem and it helps to build confidence. All the children will get a turn at this throughout the year.

We are continuing to assess the children to see what stage they are at in EYFS. While we are doing this the children have free flow play both inside and in both classrooms.

There is an open afternoon on Thursday from 2:00 until 3:30 - this is a chance for you to drop into school and see the children in the classrooms or in the outside area. There is no 'work' as such to show you yet so it's just an informal afternoon where you can spend time in school and chat to the children and adults. Home time is the same as normal

Have a good week!

Monday, 19 September 2016

Week Beginning 19.9.16

Well done - we all made it through the first week of half days! It went remarkably well as first weeks go and the children all seemed to enjoy the week and were keen to come back!

All the children came round nicely on their own this morning and happily sat on the carpet ready to tell us what they were having for their lunch. Please remember to go through the lunch choices with your child so that they know what they are meant to be having. If it's vital that your child makes a certain choice on a particular day, please have a word with one of the adults in your child's class so that we get it right!

This week the story we are focussing on is The Gruffalo and the children are going to do their first piece of writing so that we can see what stage they are at.

We are starting dough disco this morning. This is an activity which helps to develop fine motor skills in preparation for writing. You will find out a little bit more about this at the parents' meetings - if you haven't signed up for one yet please see one of the adults in your child's class.

This week we are mainly assessing what stage your child is in all of the areas of the foundation stage. This is vital so that we can tailor our teaching to meet the children's needs. You will find out more about this at the parents' meetings

We will be doing some discussion times so that the children become more confident at speaking in their class and so that we are able to find out a bit more about them.

Please remember that we are available to talk to at the end of the day if you need us - just hang around until the children have been sent off to their parents so that we are free to chat.

We hope to have another good week!

Monday, 4 July 2016

Week ending 8.7.16

Last week was Art week and all the children painted pictures in the styles of the Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes. Some of the pictures will form a display in the hall and the library. The other pictures will go up in the classroom and cloakroom.

This week we read The Gruffalo. The children did their first piece of writing on The Gruffalo when they started school and they will do a piece of writing this week for their final piece. We will show the children their first piece and compare it to their writing now. The progress that they have made is phenomenal!

We are practising a surprise for the beginning of sports day - which is next Friday morning.

We are assessing the children's phonics throughout the week.

This week is due to be a lovely week of good weather so the children will be outside as much as possible making the most of the fresh air.

The children are also visiting their new classroom and meeting their new teacher.

We have got our trip to Gressenhall on Thursday - fingers crossed for good weather! It's a really enjoyable day and I'm sure the children will have great fun and learn lots (and be exhausted by the end of it - last year some of the children fell asleep on the bus home!).

Monday, 20 June 2016

Week Ending 24.6.16

This week we are pretending to be under the sea - appropriate for the weather on Monday!

The children listened to the story Commotion in the Ocean. They did a piece of drama where they pretended to explore under the sea and found a treasure chest.

They then wrote a sentence about the things that they discovered under the sea.

In maths we are continuing to add and subtract by solving every day problems.

In PE we are practising our skills for sports day.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Week ending 17.6.16

This week we are pretending to be in a fairy tale.

We listened to the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and the children went on a search for the golden egg that the giant had lost.

The children wrote thank you letters to Pizza Express and the Forum Library as both classes have been on their trip.

In maths we are continuing to practise using our addition and subtraction skills.

Don't forget it's our story cafe on Wednesday morning from 9am - please come and join us.

Week ending 10.6.16

For International week this week we learnt about Brazil.

We looked at the United Kingdom first and then looked at where Brazil was. We talked about it being in South America and located this on Google Earth and the globe.

The children went on a safari through the Amazon rain forest and we learnt about the animals that they might see. 

We learnt about favelas in Rio and the children built their own favelas out of recyclable materials, knex, lego and duplo.

We look at the famous Rio landmark 'Christ the Redeemer' and we made a model from clay.

We had two specialist teachers in and the children had a capoeira lesson and learn a Brazilian dance.

We also made Brazilian headdresses to wear at the Brazilian carnival.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Week Ending 27.5.16

This week we are pretending to be Witches and Wizards.

We read the story Winnie's Flying Carpet by Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul. The children discussed where they would go if they had a magic carpet. The children wrote a sentence about the adventures they would have.

In maths we are making potions and looking at capacity. The children will be using language to do with capacity (full, empty, half full/empty) and solving problems. We will look at different sized containers and have a go at estimating which will hold the most and which will hold the least.

The children have had their class photos.We will send out the proof as soon as we have it so that you can order one if you would like.

The children have also had sound and vision checks this week and you will receive information as necessary.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Week Ending 20.5.16

This week we are pretending to be dinosaurs.

The book focus of the week in Tyrannosaurus Drip.

We discovered a dinosaur egg in the outside area and the children discussed what type of dinosaur they think will hatch out of the egg. We then wrote a sentence about the dinosaur.

In maths this week we are focusing on money. We will look at the different coins and their features so that the children can recognise them and we will be solving simple money problems by adding different coins together to make the same amount.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Week Ending 13.5.16

This week we are pretending to be chefs.

We read the book Pete's a Pizza and we watched a video. The children really enjoyed this story as it is about a little boy who pretended to be a pizza.

The children discussed what their favourite toppings for a pizza were and wrote a sentence about this.

LB class will be visiting pizza express and the library this week. The children are very excited about making their own pizza. They will help shape the dough and then select the toppings they would like on their pizza. We will then go to the library where the librarian will share some food related stories. LS class will go on their trip in June - more details to follow.

In maths we will be learning about halving.

On Friday we will be celebrating the Queen's birthday. The children will be doing 2 of the following activities through the day: baking birthday cakes, decorating a commemorative plate or designing and making a clay tile. We are encouraging all children to wear red, white and blue clothes.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Week Ending 6.5.16

This week we are pretending to be caterpillars...

We watched a DVD version of 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and we told the children that we are going to be looking after some real caterpillars in class. This generated much excitement. We discussed some of the changes that the children might see over the coming weeks.

We had a good discussion about what the children could do when they were a baby and what they could do now. They really enjoyed talking about how much more they can do now! We then wrote a sentence about this.

In maths we are learning how to do tally charts and how to best show this information in a graph. The children  created a graph to show the children's favourite fruits in our class.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Week ending 29.4.16

This week we are pretending to be police.

We read the story Burglar Bill and the children discussed their favourite part of the story. They then wrote a sentence about which part they liked the best. The children liked that Burglar Bill turned into a goody by the end!

At the moment we are doing a lot more writing in class at the moment so that the children have the skills in place to write a sentence that can be read by themselves and others. We are focussing on hearing the beginning, middle and end sounds in words by using our phonic knowledge, using finger spaces and correctly forming letters.

In maths we have continued to work on dividing and we have learnt how to solve problems involving division.

The children had a visitor in to talk to them about road safety.

Week Ending 22.4.16

This week we have been pretending that The tiger came for tea!

We read the book The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The children all discussed what they would feed the tiger if he visited their house and then they wrote a sentence about it.

We investigated what would happen if we left different food out. We put a whole banana, an open banana, a chocolate biscuit, a yoghurt and a slice of bread on a tray. The children made predictions abut what would happen to the different food and we are going to observe the changes taking place over the next couple of weeks.

In maths we learnt how to share and divide between 2, 3 and 4. The children used practical resources to help with this.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Week ending 11.4.16

This week we have pretending to be zoo keepers.

We watched an animated version of the book 'Dear Zoo'. The children all enjoyed the story and a lot of the children were familiar with the book.

We discussed which animal the children would like the zoo to send them and reasons why they would like that animal. The children then wrote a letter to the zoo to request their animal.

In maths we have been looking at doubling. The children have been having a go at doubling practically and solving problems relating to doubling.

We are working hard at the moment to develop the children's writing so we have been doing extra sentence work to encourage the children to be able to write a simple sentence independently. We have been encouraging them to think about the sounds they can hear in a word, the formation of letters and remembering to use finger spaces.

The children have also been making different boxes with the construction materials so that the animals can travel safely!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Week ending 18.3.16

This week has been Science week so we have done a different science activity everyday.

We have used our senses to carry out lots of investigations.

We did a sound walk to see what sounds we could hear in and around the school. We also listened to sounds from a sound database to see if we could recognise what they were.

We investigated putting raisins in lemonade and observed what happened. The children loved watching the raisins 'dance'!

We carried out a melting experiment with chocolate buttons and warm water. The children closely observed the changes that took place.

We also did a feely feet investigation where the children put their feet in bowls containing different objects without knowing what was in the bowls! They described what they could feel and they tried to guess what was in the bowl by how it felt.

We finished this week with our sport relief mile walk. The children really enjoyed the walk and did very well, as some of them were a little tired towards the end!

Don't forget it's open afternoon on Monday and it's our story cafe on Wednesday morning.

Week ending 11.3.16

This week we read the book Herb the Vegetarian Dragon. We discussed where fruits and vegetables are grown, the importance of a balanced diet and how to be healthy.

We chose a page in the book as we wanted to redo our book display. The children did lots of painting and everyone had a go at painting a part of the display. Their painting and drawing skills have really progressed since September and we are really pleased with his the display looks. You will be able to see all their hard work at open afternoon.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Week Ending 4.3.16

We are all Bog Babied Up!

This week we have been on a Bog Baby Hunt.  Once we'd found our very own Bog Baby, we had to care for them for 2 whole days.  We even made them a cosy little bed and made ponds for them to live in!  We also tested if they floated or not as in the book.

We also had a story about Cowboy Coyote and we compared cacti and planted seeds.

In maths we have been looking at DOUBLES - just up to 10.  Ask us and see if we can remember them.

Next week we are painting!

Friday, 26 February 2016

Week ending 26.2.16

This week we have been pretending to be Superheroes!

The book we read was Nat Fantastic and he paid us a visit. Nat Fantastic ran through the classroom and delivered a letter asking the children to help him know what superhero adventure to go on next. the children had some fantastic ideas about superhero adventures and who Nat might need to save or help next. They wrote their ideas down to give to Nat Fantastic.

In maths the children have been learning the names of 2D shapes and making superheroes out of shapes. We have talked about the properties of the shape by looking at how many sides, how many corners and if the sides are straight or curved.

We have been assessing phonics and we are impressed how much the children have remembered.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Week ending 12.2.16

This week we have had our international week and have learned about Italy.

The children looked at the United Kingdom and the countries that make up the United Kingdom. We looked at a map and used Google earth. We found where Norwich was on the map.

The children then looked at where Italy was in the World. They could see that the country is shaped like a boot.

We have learned how to make ciabatta the Italian bread. The children noticed what happened to the dough after we left it in a warm place. We made gelato, Italian ice cream. This was a science experiment as we made the ice cream mixture in one plastic bag that we sealed and put ice cubes and rock salt in a bigger plastic bag. We then put the bag of money stare into the bag of ice and massaged the mixture to help it come into contact with the ice and the children loved watching how the cream mixture turned into ice cream. The children all tried the ice cream!

We have looked at the important landmarks in Rome and the children created a physical map of Rome, building the coliseum, the Roman forum, St Peter's basilica the Trevino fountain and they added the river Tiber onto the map too.

The children looked at how Michelangelo painted the Sistine chapel and then they created their own paintings in his style by painting on the bottom of tables.

The children have had a very enjoyable week and today when we discussed what they have learned we were amazed!

We hope you have a lovely half term!

Friday, 5 February 2016

Week ending 05.02.16

What a windy week it's been!!

This week we have been pretending to be Astronauts and we have ventured into space.

We read the story Whatever Next? and we even had our own space drama where we went to the moon ourselves.

We have written lists of what we would take to the moon if we went.

We also celebrated Chinese New Year a week early and had a workshop where we learnt some Chinese and tried out using chopsticks.

We set the children a challenge to find out how long The Great Wall of China is.  Guesses ranged from 2 (2 what?), 18 (18 what?) to 60 hundred thousand million as we got from one little lad.  We love hearing their concepts of how they view things.  Fascinating!

Next week it's International Week.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Week ending 29.1.16

Well we've had a fabulous week pretending to be Princes and Princesses.

In maths, we learned about weight.  We had a fabulous story about Princess Spaghetti who was rather partial to chocolate bars, so we weighed some pretend chocolate bars of different sizes.  We weighed them with our hands and with the scales too.

We are starting to make really good progress with our writing and we are using our sounds well.  We wrote a list of party food that Princess Spaghetti would like for her party.  We are so good, we're sure we could write our household's shopping list!

On the craft table, we made flags, dragons, crowns, tiaras and shields.

Next week we are pretending to be Astronauts!!!

Friday, 22 January 2016

Week Ending 22.1.16

This week we have started our topic 'Let's Pretend..'. We have been pretending to be pirates.

We went on a pirate treasure hunt where we had to travel through swishy grass, over soft golden sand, through a dark cave and across the ocean. The children even had to escape a crocodile but they eventually found a treasure chest.

The children drew their own treasure map and labelled it, trying to hear as many sounds in each word.

In maths we have been working on subtraction. We used to number line and counted backwards and also have pirate coins to be able to solve subtraction number sentences e.g. 10 - 4 = It would be great to practise subtraction at home - the children can use their fingers and do subtraction by putting their fingers down to find the answer. We used the vocabulary subtract, minus and take away so the
children get used to all of these different words.

We have put the children into phonic groups so that they are being taught the sounds they need to know next or recapping on sounds that they haven't retained yet.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Week Ending 15.1.16

This week we had the story 'The 3 Little Pigs' and the children were able to retell the story verbally. They also wrote a sentence about the story. The children also had a go at writing another sentence using simple cvc words, this was to encourage them to think about the sounds they could hear in the words, work on letter formation and remember finger spaces and full stops. The children tried really hard with this. The children can practise writing at home too - please encourage them to remember about listening to the sounds and forming the letters correctly.

We have learnt the tricky words the, I, to, go and into. these are words that the children need to learn to recognise as they cannot be sounded out. Please feel free to write these on cards and have them up at home to practise.

In maths we have been revising one more and one less than any given number to 20. the children have looked at numberlines to help with this and they have have used objects so they can do the activity practically.

We also assessed what sounds the children have remembered so that we can give out sounds games, blend games or reading books depending on how they got on with the sound checks.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Week Ending 8.1.16

Happy New Year!

We're pleased to see all the children settle back into school after the Christmas holidays - we hope you all had a good break.

Thank you for helping with the handwriting homework - this will really help this term when we start to do more formal writing.

This week we have discussed our holidays. We talked about the things we liked doing with our families and about the presents we got for Christmas.

We have been assessing how much progress the children have made with their maths. Thank you for the maths work you are doing at home as it is making a difference!

We introduced our new topic 'Let's Pretend' and the children discussed what they would like to learn in this topic and what they wanted to pretend to be - some very interesting ideas came up!

Don't forget next week the children will be starting PE so they will need a PE kit but they will not need PE shoes until the summer term.

Have a good weekend!