Friday, 11 November 2016

Week beginning 14.11.16

This week the children will be starting to learn songs for the nativity play. We will tell the children which part they will be in the play and if there are any words that they need to learn, we will send these home to practise. We provide all costumes - your tea towels are safe! The dates for the nativity are on the calendar on the Garrick Green website.

We will also be baking in class so we have lots to sell at the bake sale. We would really appreciate it if you could bake cakes for us to sell on Wednesday too. We are raising money for a stage area to be built outside which the children will really enjoy using.

We will be continuing our phonics by learning new sounds. The children are very good at the sounds and actions and are spotting the letters when we read books. Ask them which sounds they can remember!

We will be starting story scribing where the child tells the adult a story and we write it for them, modelling good writing. This will build up over the year from the children taking the pencil and writing the sounds they are able to until the child is writing the full piece. Some of the children will act out their story at the end of the day.

The children are going to go into whole school assembly this week. They will go in to a story assembly on Wednesday and celebration assembly on Friday.

Don't forget that on Friday it's Children in Need day so if the children want to wear spots they can and they pay £1.50 which will go towards the charity.

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