Monday 9 October 2017

Week beginning 9.10.17

This week the children are doing more painting but this time they are doing self portraits. The children will also do self portraits using the paint program on the computer and take selfies on iPads so that they experiment with different media.

We will be doing some number work in the form of counting and number recognition of number 1- 10. We will also be listening to stories and checking the children's understanding of what they have heard.

The children will have free flow play everyday both indoors and out.

The children will be going to assembly for the first time this week where they will join with the rest of the school for a celebration assembly which is where different things that have happened during the week are celebrated.

Please come into the classroom on Wednesday after school to see your child's Christmas card design and put in an order for them to be made into cards.

Don't forget we are having a cake sale on Wednesday after school too. Please bring in any donations on Wednesday morning. Thank you in advance!

Have a good week!

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