Friday 16 January 2015

Week ending 16.1.15

This week we have finished teaching all the individual sounds that the children need to know and we have assessed them to see how many they have remembered!  We have given out sound games, blend games and reading books depending on their existing knowledge.  Please remember to either do the sound/blend games or read with your child AT LEAST 3 times a week.  Don't forget to sign their yellow reading record so they can score towards their Reading Awards.  We also completed our first piece of writing this week.  We heard the story of the 3 Little Pigs and we wrote about our favourite part of the story.

In maths we have finished assessing all the children and we are very pleased with the progress they have made.  We have grown in confidence in knowing '1 more' than any number to 20 and we are now working on being as competent with '1 less'!

We had our very first PE lesson of dance with a specialist teacher and we made a dinosaur dance up. ROOOAAARRRRRR!!!  Please can we remind you to ensure PE kits are in school on a Tuesday (plimsolls are still not needed yet).  Also could girls please have their hair up and either have earrings removed before coming to school or we can tape them up.

Next week, we are beginning our topic of LET'S PRETEND and we are covering pirates.  Please look for the Big Talk homework in your child's book bag and chat about this with them.

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