Friday 15 January 2016

Week Ending 15.1.16

This week we had the story 'The 3 Little Pigs' and the children were able to retell the story verbally. They also wrote a sentence about the story. The children also had a go at writing another sentence using simple cvc words, this was to encourage them to think about the sounds they could hear in the words, work on letter formation and remember finger spaces and full stops. The children tried really hard with this. The children can practise writing at home too - please encourage them to remember about listening to the sounds and forming the letters correctly.

We have learnt the tricky words the, I, to, go and into. these are words that the children need to learn to recognise as they cannot be sounded out. Please feel free to write these on cards and have them up at home to practise.

In maths we have been revising one more and one less than any given number to 20. the children have looked at numberlines to help with this and they have have used objects so they can do the activity practically.

We also assessed what sounds the children have remembered so that we can give out sounds games, blend games or reading books depending on how they got on with the sound checks.

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